Screwy News

O Canada

The girls all work for Naked News, a Canadian channel which claims to be the ‘programme with nothing to hide’.

The programme is broadcast six days a week, with 25 minute bulletins showing the women carrying out interviews and presenting the big news stories of the day completely starkers.
Female anchors read the news fully nude or strip as they present their segments.
The raunchy site started in 1999 as an English speaking show and now has one based in Japan too.

"The male version closed in 2007 six years after it was launched. "
At least 3 injured after owner tries to put sweater on pit bull | Fox News

A pit bull bit its owner and attacked two other family members in Florida after a struggle to put a sweater on the dog Friday, police said.

finally! for many years i have seen those stupid sweaters on stupid dogs owned by stupid people and thought "why don't that dog just bite their hand off? how embarrassing to walk around in a stupid sweater." now one finally got even, this is a great day for dogs and for freedom!
High school's dating assignment causes uproar among parents | Fox News

Some of the bullet points for girls said things like “don’t waste his money,” “if you think you’re fat keep it to yourself,” “be feminine and lady like” and “don’t correct his personal habits.”

Boys were told to inform their dates about what they planned to order so the girls would “have a guide in order,” and to not “gripe about the money you’re spending or don’t have.”

sounds like pretty good advice to me...
February 2017 calendar structure will not occur again in your life time. February 2017 has:

4 sundays,
4 mondays,
4 tuesdays,
4 wednesdays,
4 thursdays,
4 fridays &
4 saturdays.

This happens once every 823 years. This is called money bags
Every year but leap years has 4 of every day in February. Try 2015, 2026, 2032... for years that have the 1st on Sunday
Money bags was last year's hoax, leap year, with 5 weekends in January followed by 4 weekends in February. 2016: 4 weekends this February
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Seems to me, China could of chosen a better name...just sayin'

China has publicly announced the deployment of a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). The Dong Feng

I can get all my news right here for free.

uhh, i think it's spelled "nudes".

Got the January blues? Try taking off all your clothes. At least that’s what one scientist suggests after discovering that humans feel more content when completely naked.

People who engage in nudist activities – such as topless sunbathing, naked bike riding, and visiting nudist colonies – seem to avoid this problem.
“What we found was a very good correlation. Generally, if you did these activities, the longer you did them and the more frequently you did them, the happier you were,” West said.

Regardless of what he finds out, West advocates going nude as an affordable way to overcome negative feelings about one’s body.
Lots of people will say: ‘Fine, I still won’t do it’. But it’s a widely available and very, very cheap way of fighting body image dissatisfaction. Everyone can take their clothes off, that’s pretty easy,” he noted.

i hope you all feel better tomorrow...
Naked bike riding huh? So there's these two female nudists out for an afternoon bike ride, when they rode over a cobblestone street. The one nudist says to the other..."I've never come this way before". :eek: