respos' account talk

Keep an eye on currencies at this point. If the dollar falls below the double bottom that occurred back on Jan 20th it is likely not to retrace any time soon, so LOOK OUT BELOW.

View attachment 36969

IMO: Nnuut has a point about there being too much oil and the market strategy is to close down shale and clean energy. Get rid of your competition. However, I am a believer in Clean Energy over the long haul and think the country should support research and market programs that increase its mix among all the energy sources available over a planned timeline...say 50 years. Believe me, if there's a buck to be made, the energy companies will be the first in line.

Someone pass the Prilosec. 1st time since Jan 20th my G and F move done on the 19th has turned back in my favor.
Book recommendation please. Technical analysis. I've heard of a "Bible" of technical analysis but can't remember the exact name. Any other recommendations welcome. I'm a complete noob on the subject. I want to become very, very proficient. I've got time. Not in any hurry. I'm learning a lot from this site also.
Thanks, Tyler
Book recommendation please. Technical analysis. I've heard of a "Bible" of technical analysis but can't remember the exact name. Any other recommendations welcome. I'm a complete noob on the subject. I want to become very, very proficient. I've got time. Not in any hurry. I'm learning a lot from this site also.
Thanks, Tyler

In the 90's, I remember reading early editions of two of these.

Talking Stock With The Doc: Books For Technical Analysis
I thought looking at charts, aka, technical analysis was voodoo hokus pokus type stuff. After the last couple of weeks, I can confirm that I was flipping wrong:(