respos' account talk

Re: still hangin in

I'm back! So I see a lot of the same heavy hitters and some new ones:)
My 2014 has gone well with 50% S and 50% C. I made no IFTs this year. Looking back I see a couple of opportunities that could have made heathy profits. Where's my violin??? Anyho, 2015 will be my first options trading year.
So, its great to be back!
Respro (Tyler)
I don't understand IPOs. Shake shack (shak) had an IPO of $21.00 or so I heard yesterday. Trouble is that when trading began for shak it was as north of $40. The stock was basically flat up until the end of trading. At the end of the first day of trading for shak the news was crowing about it. I understand only the bulk buyers had the opportunity to buy it at 21.00. Is this true? If so, then an IPO of $21.00 isn't completely legit. What am I missing?
I don't understand IPOs. Shake shack (shak) had an IPO of $21.00 or so I heard yesterday. Trouble is that when trading began for shak it was as north of $40. The stock was basically flat up until the end of trading. At the end of the first day of trading for shak the news was crowing about it. I understand only the bulk buyers had the opportunity to buy it at 21.00. Is this true? If so, then an IPO of $21.00 isn't completely legit. What am I missing?

The "stock market" is actually the secondary market, so in a way yes... the "insiders" were probably the only ones who got in at $21... we are definitely in the OUT crowd.
No opinions? I've learned that I have too much going on to monitor the makets enough. To make an informed decision I believe I need to monitor it every day. And after the last year I believe it's time to utilize some type of system. Or maybe sign up for one of the other premium services. I don't know.
No opinions? I've learned that I have too much going on to monitor the makets enough. To make an informed decision I believe I need to monitor it every day. And after the last year I believe it's time to utilize some type of system. Or maybe sign up for one of the other premium services. I don't know.

Sounds like you need a premium service...for now. :)

Also, imo, and depending exactly upon what you mean by "monitor," and for TSP purposes, it may not be necessary to monitor the markets everyday. :)

We have a clean slate in 2016!
Good Luck!
...Also, there are free systems and individuals whose IFT's might be followed. I can't recommend any right now due to the fact that they are new and haven't established a track record, imo...yet.

These free systems are even beating some premium services this year.

Note: I've only seen one free system/individual actually suggest that they condone folks "following" their signals/IFT's.

On Tues I moved from 50% S, 50% C to 50% G, 50% F. Late to the party. Yep. So the S P drops below the Aug low and I think it might go a lot lower. Nope! 2+% up today. So now I'm in the red on paper. So I wait for it to fall or take the loss and get back in for the ride back up. Decisions, decisions.
Can someone help me understand a couple of things. I'm watching this sideways action rife with volatility. The SP 500 hit a low around the 20th I think. Since then the earnings season is showing one big miss after another. To top it off Japan is in a mess. The Nikkei is down huge over the last several sessions. China, well. So back here in the good old US, if oil rises a penny we get a rally and vice versa. I fully admit I'm a noob when it comes to finance. But something smells here. I'm wondering why not a huge drop with the dismal earnings season. Why is crude having such an effect on the market? It looks like the market is being manipulated by people behind the scenes.
They don't want us to have cheap energy then they would have to shut down solar [that can't handle it] and Wind [that cost's more than it's worth] and ethanol for gasoline [which is more polluting than gasoline and kills engines and gets less mileage per gallon] any other questions? Cheap transportation will lower the price of all commodities that are transported.
But something smells here. I'm wondering why not a huge drop with the dismal earnings season.

One argument is that poor earnings is already priced in and so is the current price of oil relative to the market/business/banking cycles.