...I have emerged a new man, reborn, some would say...isolation is a terrible thing, if you let it be...like snakes in a panic I was shaking for the first few hours...hallucinations then set in...visions of such grandeur I had never experienced before overtook my consciousness...so overwhelmed I lost comprehension of what was real...my own two hands I could not recognize...hard times I have weathered...I had come to the crossroads...which path should be chosen...despair began to set in until there in the far off distance something, no not something, someone, of gigantic stature picked me up like a heron scoops up his prey...hardly recognizing the massive orb that was cradling me......within the speed of sound, a four legged magnificent creature had taken me to shore...gently placed was i to the sandy surface like a mamma bird feeding her little ones...no sooner than he arrived, he was off...picking my head up, I gazed in the only direction I could, straight ahead...like an arrow into the eye was I...what happened next I cannot exactly explain...a booming and thunderous sound engulfed me, violently it shook and pummeled all the trees until one lone firmly planted tree, whose roots had no end, stood...
My good friends...exhilaration has twisted into exhaustion...leave me be for now, for I will regain the strength and courage to pass onto you the sage words that shook me to the core changing forever my every next step, and soon yours, i must go now, but will return