rcknfrewld's account talk

well i was broke when i met her, and only managed to pull together a pittance before it all went teats up so what was there to lose? still,
half a pittance hurt.

fortunately, after she clammed up it turned out her cousin liked to do it as much as she used to, so it's all relative i suppose.
does it make you feel better if it's worth dinner and a movie? now that i know you are willing to place a value on it, perhaps we can negotiate a fair price?
Burrocrat... That would be too simple...there is still the "presentation of a dance with much ado" ...that can take many forms but it is a dance...the wit, charm, and other personal unique and enticing and entertaining qualities termed a "dance" that is assessed by that female bird to determine if the male has demonstrated enough effort, both quantitatively and qualitatively, to satisfy her enough so she knows he is worthy of her and values her highly enough. It's a test!

Rcknfrewld.. Sorry for all this talk of birds and feathers. My last post on this...should we start a thread in the lounge so we can expound on those pesky bees as well!:sick:
Burrocrat... That would be too simple...there is still the "presentation of a dance with much ado" ...that can take many forms but it is a dance...the wit, charm, and other personal unique and enticing and entertaining qualities termed a "dance" that is assessed by that female bird to determine if the male has demonstrated enough effort, both quantitatively and qualitatively, to satisfy her enough so she knows he is worthy of her and values her highly enough. It's a test!

Rcknfrewld.. Sorry for all this talk of birds and feathers. My last post on this...should we start a thread in the lounge so we can expound on those pesky bees as well!:sick:

well i dance with words, and it must be a pretty good dance at that because you keep responding. ca caw, ca caw.

Burro it is a lost battle. Though the commodity being discussed is readily available on the street, signing a legal document, usually accompanied by a large and expensive ceremony, makes it a legal and worthy commdity and no matter how repugnant and undesireable that commodity may become to you nor how unavailable it may have been to you nor how available it may have been made to others makes no difference. The commodity is worth 1/2 or more of whatever you managed to earn or scrape together. It is illegal to sell it in most places but with that legal document it is a marketable commodity. It is widely so throughout the world and speaking of it is frowned upon.

To quote Grail Knight, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
“You must choose, but choose wisely. For as the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you.”

Thanks everyone! And thank you Rcknfrewld for your hospitality this past week. It's been fun! And now back to some serious work. I have a feeling the markets are going to be a rollercoaster ride and I don't want to be too distracted!:D
I feel like I'm reading another fine episode of "Steadygain and Blue" - they eventually got married you know after meeting on TSP Talk.
Hi Rcknfrewld: I was looking at the L funds. Not sure but the pricing seems odd. I have never really paid attention to those funds but noticed that L2050 fund is like around $11 today and yet all non-L funds are higher ....even G fund at above $14. I may look into how the share pricing is computed. I should think that if an L fund is simply made up of a certain allocation made up of a combination of G, F, S, C and I adding up to 100% that then the daily share price would be reflective.
Wondering why the price is lower???? hummmm. :rolleyes: Another puzzle.... kinda involves a backtest!!! Wondering if that would make up for turning down the moon phase analysis assignment :D That playing hardball is tough.. especially since you know I'm a sucker for moonlit seascapes.
all the brainiacs here have scolded me for asking about the 2050 fund and mentioning the low share price...I say f'em...I can't wait til the 2060 fund arrives and I will ask all the same stupid questions that I have with the 2050 fund just to be irritating...I will stay in the 2050 fund out of spite and pettiness...speaking of moon phases, Tspintel and i will harass and threaten the TSP honks until they establish the Moon Fund, of course the ticker symbol picture thingy will reflect the precise moon phase daily...then we will focus our attention towards Tom...he will be cohersted into putting the ridiculous Moon Fund where it belongs at the top of the page not at the bottom...better yet since Tom has nothing going on really, he can instead come up with some kind of Moon watermark imprint that is displayed in the middle of the page with its proper phase updated hourly...the watermark impression will of course be constantly blocking whatever you are trying to view...our demands are non-negotiable...and the current TSPTALK logo will thusly be scrapped for one that has all the letters formed with all the minute and inconsequential hourly phases that don't exist
(i'm importing this in my own way because no one reads the back pages and i think that this will annoy a certain someone)
April 2013
Just bought a 64degree wedge at MC Sports for 30 bucks...was spinning balls back with it...it's MC's brand called Trend...they have wedges and putters...low cost...the best looking wedges I have seen...they have a beryllium copper finish, just beautiful...i'm going back to buy the other wedges today after work...i've been using my titleist raw wedges for over ten years...probably why I'm shocked by the spin I'm getting with a new wedge...the 64deg didn't go straight up in the air like I expected...which is good...worth checking out if one is in your area

Right Now(kind of)

oh...I made up those wedges just so someone would drive all the way out of their way, wasting a day off, to only get to the wedge section in the store and not see them...what they would see is my avatar with this written on it..."psych"
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Hi Rcknfrewld: I was looking at the L funds. Not sure but the pricing seems odd. I have never really paid attention to those funds but noticed that L2050 fund is like around $11 today and yet all non-L funds are higher ....even G fund at above $14. I may look into how the share pricing is computed. I should think that if an L fund is simply made up of a certain allocation made up of a combination of G, F, S, C and I adding up to 100% that then the daily share price would be reflective.
As I understand it, all the Funds were started at the artificial value of $10 per share and they went up and down with the market from there. I know that is the case for the L50 Fund. You can go back to Jan 31, 2011 on our TSP share price history site and see that.
As I understand it, all the Funds were started at the artificial value of $10 per share and they went up and down with the market from there. I know that is the case for the L50 Fund. You can go back to Jan 31, 2011 on our TSP share price history site and see that.

Wow! That doesn't make sense...why would they do something like that when they could have set the buy-in price equal to the actual allocable share price of each fund on the buy- in date for each particular L fund?? Seems odd. Will need to think that through...and to think what the effect was on shares purchased on buy-in date versus subsequent dates. Uggh
Hey rcknfrewld, you asked for it (on your recently closed thread"), so here it goes:

Oops! My bad. I thought you said "sock it to me"! I did wonder what you were going to do with all those "Mister Sock" monkeys. Maybe you just needed a few more friends to swing with you on the monkey bars givin' your dancin' feet and quivering tail feathers needed a rest from last weekend.
Wow! That doesn't make sense...why would they do something like that when they could have set the buy-in price equal to the actual allocable share price of each fund on the buy- in date for each particular L fund?? Seems odd. Will need to think that through...and to think what the effect was on shares purchased on buy-in date versus subsequent dates. Uggh

it makes perfect paper sense. there is no actual allocatable share price of each tsp fund because the tsp funds do not contain a single actual allocatable share of anything traded on any market. read the prospectus. from https://www.tsp.gov/investmentfunds/fundsoverview/fundManagement.shtml#FCSIFunds :

The F, C, S, and I Funds are*index funds, each of which is invested in order to replicate the risk and return characteristics of its appropriate benchmark index. For example, the C Fund is invested in a stock index fund that fully replicates the Standard and Poor's 500 (S&P 500) Index, a broad market index made up of the stocks of 500 large to medium-sized U.S. companies. The C Fund's objective is to match the performance of the S&P 500. The F, C, S, and I Funds remain invested regardless of the performance of the securities markets or the overall economy.BlackRock FundsAlthough the BlackRock Collective Funds operate in a manner similar to mutual funds, they are not, in fact, mutual funds and are not open to individual investors. Furthermore, they are trust funds that are regulated by the Comptroller of the Currency, not by the Securities and Exchange Commission, and therefore do not have ticker symbols.

so if you invest $1000 in L2050 on the day of inception you are buying $1000 worth of blackrock digital paper designed to replicate the perrformance of blah blah blah. it doesn't matter if they say the actual sharesof the underlying target index are worth $1000, then you would get 1 share. or if they say the shares are worth $10 then you get 100 of them. either way you just bought $1000 worth of blackrock privately issued not available on a publically traded market digital paper iou's. if tomorrow the market takes a 10% dive then your $1000 just turned into $900, who cares at that point how many shares of fake digital replicated paper you own? they're still worth $100 less. or in blackrock's private market sometimes they're worth only $898, who knows where the other $2 got lost because the fund only is a replication of the target index, not the actual shares of the index.

after that it gets confusing. but i guarandamtee you that if you give me that many $billlions in tsp digital dollars to manage on a giant internal proprietary spreadsheet that must approximately +/-$2 settle up at market close but folks have to stop trading at 12:00 pm 4 hours prior, then i'll make us all filthy stinkin' rich.

it's all just paper annie. booked digitally at lightspeed through the ether. to be cashed out for whatever value it is assigned by the entity that owes you when you claim your value.

ah, screw it. i went and rambled again. just look up 'fiat' in any dictionary.
Hey Burrocrat...you cute little piggy!! That bs makes me want pull my $$$ out...damn...will we ever get anything we're working for here??? So I hope you don't come back and tell me the same applies to the other funds!! :mad: I'm in denial!! :sick:

Rcknfrewld..this makes me want to bite my pillow!!
Hey Burrocrat...you cute little piggy!! That bs makes me want pull my $$$ out...damn...will we ever get anything we're working for here??? So I hope you don't come back and tell me the same applies to the other funds!! :mad: I'm in denial!! :sick:

Rcknfrewld..this makes me want to bite my pillow!!

the same applies to the other funds. all the other funds, inside and outside the tsp.

it's like a teenage romance when your boyfriend/girlfriend goes off to college in another town before you graduate high school. all the best intentions and promises go by the wayside in direct correlation to the distance between. if you ain't close enough to hold it then you can bet for sure somebody else is. now you might get your hands on it again if you have faith and are patient, but it will never be the same.

there is nothing one can do to change that, it would involve controlling other people. and that never works out well. all one can do is prepare for the eventuality. and not get caught sitting on the curb holding your head in your hands when it happens. don't worry about it too much. even birchtree and $5 mil won't escape, he'll just be able to afford an extra loaf of stale bread and two bowls of gruel when the restructuring happens.