Hi guys,
Been gone awhile. End of the fiscal year close out is finally over but our training continue for deployment continues. They had a change in policy for the length of deployment and it is now 400 days instead of the unbearable 18 months. The difference in time is that they pushed many of the training requirement to the home station. This means that we now have to be trained and qualified with many Warrior's tasks prior to going to the mob station. Been traveling back and forth to get these training and I have one travel for training left (next week) then the final month training here in home station prior to movement to mob station.
As far as TSP is concern, it seems that the downside had hit us again during the summer months. This is pretty much the trend and for those long term holder, the premise of holding the funds in stock during the Nov-May timeframe and then putting them to relative safety in the g and f fund till around Jul-Aug timeframe seems to be a wise choice.
Ebb's system seems to work great. Ive always been impressed with his system and it seems a wise choice for those who would like some help in managing their TSP funds.
I'll be holding on to the I fund till next year. I hope to make a couple of changes but it will not be until June timeframe. Good luck all and i'm really glad that this site is prospering. Thanks to the dedicated members (old timers and newcomers), I hope to see us to be 5000 strong by the time my deployment is over;-)