Pop Ups? Anyone still seeing them?

I had three or four this morning some on Home Page and others when I clicked to sign into the Forum. It continues!!!!!
Yes....still getting them ! This morning was when I clicked on the forum username login box...a dire web site WITH spoken warning that my hard drive would be erased if I closed the window ! Later one showed up when I tried to "like" a post...issues even loading the site, later..."data base error"....looked like from vBulletin.

Got one already from THIS login...

Did not appear to have any issues from my Android phone's browser...I don't use Tapatalk.

Tom I've 2 now namefuze.com it duplicated it's self. I didn't close them. They want me to register, Fat Chance on that one!

Same as Norm...namefuze.com ! Happens at login click, but also happens if I just click an "open" post link, without logging in, much as a "guest" would do and see...

I checked, and it happens in MSIE 11, too...tested at 2:20 PM CDT, but I don't know how long it takes your filters to take effect !

At least you're making some progress...not getting the multiple rotating web sites, like yesterday !!! :D

Just got two: 'adnety' and 'clicknety'
Both opened in new windows. Looking at page source relates both to Google Analytics, as Userque posted earlier. I have saved the page source pages if you need them.
Now I'm getting 'namefuse' once when I tried to log in and again when i selected this forum thread. I have saved it's source info and it is also associated with google analytics. before I opened TSPTalk, I went to my other sites and no pop-ups from them.
Adnety is what i just saw. Something else when I initially logged in that my Malwarebytes blocked.
I recommend running any anti-virus software you may have. I don't know if any of these are infecting our machines. I suspect not unless you clicked on something within the the popups, but just in case try scanning for viruses.

It may be that the changes I've made are taking time to be be implemented. As always, a cache cleaning (ctrl + F5) is a good idea, and a reboot is usually very helpful. I haven't seen one of the popups since this morning so hopefully that is a sign of things to come for the rest of you.

just got two on my tablet. one when i clicked on the username block to log in. it was izanalyse.com or something, which quickly changed to something else.

another when I went to click Reply to this thread. that was was clickety something
I'm regularly getting "pop-under" ads from only this site (no others). The most recent pop-under ad is an advertisement for a company that specialized in pop-under ads.
In order to narrow down where these pop up are coming from, I am going to be playing with the modifications added to the site over the years - such as the list of posts at the top, and see if it helps. If I can narrow it down to a particular "Feature" it may help me fix it. Sorry for any inconvenience.

While these are down, please continue to report pop up issues. Thanks!
I've made some changes, updated software, rebooted servers, and scanned for viruses. I haven't seen those pop up pages in a few.

If you do get a pop up webpage, can you please post that here? If you know what page you were on and / or what you clicked on before the pop up, it would be helpful.

Thank you!

I get popups every time I go into the forum. this is the latest one

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