Pop Ups? Anyone still seeing them?

Reposted from Bquat's thread.

Re: Cactus typing issues in reply: IE seems to be the worst. I have been using Edge, the latest IE, and see issues here and there with the basic reply. (I'm on it now).

Cactus, you may want to change your editor setting from wysiwyg to standard and see if it helps (while using IE)

Go here: http://www.tsptalk.com/mb/profile.php?do=editoptions

Here's the software folks themselves admitting the issue...

Missing keystrokes / Text typing problem - vBulletin Community Forum

I hate to ask anyone change browser because, well how inconvenient, but since I've used Chrome I haven't had those issues.

Bquat: I know you've tried a lot of things with the attachments and I am stumped but still looking for answers. How one person's uploader would work and another's not is too weird, but obviously possible.

I did delete the one program that I was concerned about and mentioned yesterday, and hope it did something, but I'm thinking it had more to do with the pop up issue than attachments.

Thanks for your patience everyone. I know it's annoying, but you can keep telling me (:D). I need the feedback to know if the changes I'm making are doing anything.
Im still getting popups. Just now it was from www.adnety.com. Pretty invasive. Wouldn't let my type until I closed the window. This is my work computer and the only site I visit besides INTRA-net sites is TSPtalk and marketwatch so this computer is not infected from outside sources.
I'm still getting popups much as everyone else who has been reporting it, although it seems more like a webpage is "hijacking" where I want to go. For instance I check my likes page and instead I get adnety.com or I look at another members thread and instead get one of the other aforementioned web sites. Doesn't act like a popup, but more like an actual hijacking. FYI, this happens whether I am logged in to TSPTalk or viewing as a guest. In addition, it does not occur at any other website I visit, just TSPTalk...Hope this helps.
Just got a scary pop up I had to ctrl alt del out of and ran Microsoft essentials and McAfee and found so problems:
Netscan 0210.online says. Windows Security and Firewall Services are disabled.
Error Code 0X8024402c
Your TPC Connection was blocked by your firewall. Accounts may be suspended until you take action.
I can't reply to any threads from my government computer. It just times out.
And no "likes"

Just passing the information along...,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm still getting popups much as everyone else who has been reporting it, although it seems more like a webpage is "hijacking" where I want to go. For instance I check my likes page and instead I get adnety.com or I look at another members thread and instead get one of the other aforementioned web sites. Doesn't act like a popup, but more like an actual hijacking. FYI, this happens whether I am logged in to TSPTalk or viewing as a guest. In addition, it does not occur at any other website I visit, just TSPTalk...Hope this helps.

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I'm still getting popups much as everyone else who has been reporting it, although it seems more like a webpage is "hijacking" where I want to go. For instance I check my likes page and instead I get adnety.com or I look at another members thread and instead get one of the other aforementioned web sites. Doesn't act like a popup, but more like an actual hijacking. FYI, this happens whether I am logged in to TSPTalk or viewing as a guest. In addition, it does not occur at any other website I visit, just TSPTalk...Hope this helps.
Ditto here. Consulted doctor google only to find websites praising adnety.com. ?
TSPtalk has been hacked by the Russians with all the apparent political discussions over in the political thread................ :ban:
It seems the 'fix' is doing something to our plugin programs to the forum. We may not have pop ups right now, but removing all our tools like the latest post list, like button, and about 20 others including the Blog area, which isn't acceptable. So, we're still working on it.
I'll believe it when I see it. :D The pop ups stopped after a major cleaning of the servers / database, but it seems to wipe out our plugins as I mentioned above. I did some tweaking and the plugins are back, but I don't know if that means the popups will be back too. We'll see.
I'm regularly getting "pop-under" ads from only this site (no others). The most recent pop-under ad is an advertisement for a company that specialized in pop-under ads.

This is what I had been getting, yesterday (10/13) being the most recent, nothing yet today. I only noticed the "more" link this morning though. I'm running Ad-blocker to for the most part I don't see any ads but the pop-under brings up a full page. If I get it again I'll grab the link.
computer issues

Just a note to all. I'm writing this from my new Samsung tablet that I purchased today. Both home computers are infected with the zbot virus which has trashed both machines. I have ordered new hard drives for both computers and have shut everything down. This virus is very bad. I won't bore you guys with all the rotten things this does to you system but basically it trashed everything. Will probably be offline for another week or two untill I get things back to normal. No idea where this thing came from. Somehow it got past my home security system. Be careful folks.

Re: computer issues

Just a note to all. I'm writing this from my new Samsung tablet that I purchased today. Both home computers are infected with the zbot virus which has trashed both machines. I have ordered new hard drives for both computers and have shut everything down. This virus is very bad. I won't bore you guys with all the rotten things this does to you system but basically it trashed everything. Will probably be offline for another week or two untill I get things back to normal. No idea where this thing came from. Somehow it got past my home security system. Be careful folks.


stop watching porn.

or at least just watch the free porn pop ups. it's when you give them your credit card data that they got you by the short hairs. if you have short hairs, never can tell these days.
I recommend anyone on home PC's to invest $29.00 for a year's worth of Malwarebytes anti-malware and virus protection.It won't interfere with your regular anti-virus programs....saved my ass lately.

What's funny Burro is that I try not to click on anything that isn't certified or isn't on the up and up. What I've learned is that most websites are managed by well meaning companies but that lots of sites have sponsored ads from third parties (also good companies) but they do not have the resources to continually update their ads and hackers take advantage of the gap and attach viruses that download automatically. I read that you don't even need to click on the advertisement..just run your mouse over it. Amazing. I probably visit at least 10 certified market based websites every day; not to mention NASA related sites.

Right now I've ordered 2 new hard drives and will be completely reinstalling everything G soon. For now I'm learning how to use my new tablet..Later.
