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S & P 1255
I believe will be the pivot point
with maybe a bounce or two.
Back to Work.
Mar 15, 2011 low, Very possible!
The 200 Day MA could come into play.
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S & P 1255
I believe will be the pivot point
with maybe a bounce or two.
Back to Work.
Mar 15, 2011 low, Very possible!
The 200 Day MA could come into play.
My Gut Indicator is telling me
Tomorrow will be a Negative Day.![]()
DO you have a chart for that Gut indicator? Since we capitulated late in the day, and not much in the red I tend to be a little more optimistic, its also going to depend on what Mr. Dollar Bill does. So far my 50% I fund has helped to save my neck in this trade
What a day we had today. It sure did quiet the board. Everyone is of in a state of shock, I admit I'm pretty shocked.
A. I hope what the S&P futures are showing isn't correct.
I don't think it is.
B. everyone should have a point where they say enough is enough and move to safety. The Tsp Administration really screwed us my only letting us have 2 Ift's a month.
C. I'm thinking Monday is gonna be a Doozy of a day. I hope we capitulate. I'm thinking if we blow off 2 or 3 hundred Dow points the Bull's will come to the plate.
D. The stock market is the most Volatile that I have ever seen it in 30 year's of being involved with it.
As usual - packed with analysis - and more to the pt. than the videos, here's what I think on the above
A. Ignore the futures. Anything could happen. But I think monday and tuesday will be some big move. There has been pretty consistent large volumes. There are alot of fingers on the button.
B. So true - and so the minority of thinking on this forum; just about everyone else thinks they have to sell for a gain or a minimal loss - and hangs on longer than they should. I have been one of them (last month, for example). JTH knew better, and ditched after his initial gain.
C. Yes siree. And tuesday too. And I would agree if the selloff sharpens, it could result in an equivalent or greater bounce - to at least the low 1,300's. Yet - what has gone on is pretty consistent controlled higher volume selling with only modest increases in volatility indices. Not just a few days of selling - but a week or more of it.
D. Well - if you're talking flip flops in sentiment; I agree. Where did all the buyers go? What changed? Is there a sudden disbelief in the recovery based on a single jobs report? Anxiety about the upcoming economic data? Oil. China. Europe. No QE3. What? It is this - my misunderstanding of what's caused the change in sentiment - that is causing hesitation to go back in. It's not like there was a tsunami. Saving grace may be that most investors are not as poor at it as I am, so hopefully there aren't a whole mass of others with my temporary "trader's block" mentality.
There are wild cards in all of this. The eco reports could come out on or way above targets, and there could be some other form of governmental intervention the likes of which I have never been able to forecast.
Any big news this week either way, is likely to be accompanied by a big move.
You simply need to think longer term. We've had multiple consolidations on the way up since the March '09 lows and they've all been buying opportunities. As a disciplined buy and holder I'm making money by being patient. My oceanic account has come within a pubic ($24K) of making $2M off the March '09 bottom - that's just a fact as of April 29th. Now I'm looking at some devaluation but that will pass and the bull will continue because the market discounts the future. If you believe that earnings are sustainable, stocks certainly do not look expensive yet. Monetary policy works with a lag. Why should getting rich take so long?