Poolman's Account Talk

I got the markets wrong Big Time. I really thought we would break under the 1040 mark on the s&p 500. It did not happen. Oh well There will be plenty more opportunity's with me having about another 12 years until I hit the Age of 60.

I am pretty upset with my read on the markets for the fact that I was not in on this 60 point s&p move up wards but I can only beat myself up so much. I did not lose anything but I missed out on a very BIG move up wards.

Take Care my friends and remember this could have easily gone the other direction and I would have been looking like a Hero.

I have jotted down many many notes to remember if we enter into a similar scenario again.

I see that ‪PSAadmin still has not come out with there nightly video as of 7:10 p.m. I will post if they have the Balls to let us know what there thoughts are this evening.



PSAAdmin was actually on vacation yesterday, and he indicated he would not be posting anything until Monday.

Thanks for the other postings and insights.