Playing the I fund

Yes. I am in the G fund today and am waiting. Took a .02 cent loss yesterday and was happy about it when all was said and done. Caught the FV in my favor and happened to get out at the right time.
This stuff is not easy, is it? Just don't hang in there too long. Been there, done that. When to get out is up to you and every situation is different. Look at all the indicators and make your decision, I can't tell you what to do, too many unknowns and the 12:00 deadline doesn't help at all. :notrust:
Best of luck with your investments.:D
2:27 AM EST - Bank of Japan Starts Pivotal Meeting Amid Expectations of First Interest Rate Hike in 6 Years
A decision is expected Friday, when the Bank of Japan's policy board members vote. Raising rates, from virtually zero percent, would be the clearest sign yet that the world's second-biggest economy has emerged from a decade of doldrums. But it also raises concerns that higher borrowing costs might undercut the country's tenuous economic comeback. Analysts and investors generally expect the BOJ to raise a benchmark rate to a scant 0.25 percent. The overnight discount rate now stands at 0.069 percent -- effectively zero. The prospect of higher rates has sparked concern among ruling party officials because they want the BOJ to avoid the mistake it made in August 2000, when it lifted borrowing rates prematurely -- and choked a recovery.
ouch. Without an FV, that's 18.97.

Goodbye bull run. I guess they'll be shaking out dumb money for a while now. Once I see on the local news that the markets are really bad and how they'll be going down for a while, that's when I'll consider buying again.
Wizard said:
G fund is beating the C and F fund so far this year and by the end of this week will be beating the S fund too.

fabijo said:
ouch. Without an FV, that's 18.97.

Yikes. The FV screwed it up even more! 18.80
Australia, Hong Kong, and Nikkei are all down over 1% so far. I wonder if a bunch of "correcting" will be going on for the rest of the year.
BOJ Uses Stronger Wording on Economy in July Report
The Bank of Japan used stronger wording to describe the economy in a monthly report on Friday, shortly after announcing a rise in interest rates for the first time in six years. "Japan's economy is expanding moderately," it said in its July monthly report. The central bank had said last month that the economy was "recovering steadily". On the outlook, it maintained its view in Friday's report that the economy was expected to expand moderately. The BOJ said the economy and consumer prices were expected to move mostly in line with its half-yearly outlook issued in April.
Europe and Asia down, dollar up. How long can this go on? I-fund is starting to look like a coiled spring, wanting to snap back up.

WHY is the dollar rising?

Lots of talk on this board about U.S stocks heading for a retest of June lows. Is anyone following Europe and Asia closely enough to say whether they will follow, or do we just need a small relaxation in International tensions and oil to get a 3% snap up?