Playing the I fund

.,..Is it reaching it's bottom or just beginning to sink?

And THAT my friend, is the $64,000 question.

I like this mornig that some of the other indicies are firming up. IN fact, I may move a little into "I" from the sidelines today just to test the waters. I'm NOT going to go in whole hog, but for the last couple days I've been only in "F" and "G", and think five consecutive days of loss is about par for the course right now. It could be a good time to move back in soon, or, on the other hand, it might not be. I think I'll throw a little towards the "I' this morning if it looks like markets are holding up.

Remember, it doesn't count as real money until it is time to withdraw it. Until then, it's just chips on the table trying to get bigger. You win some, you lose some, but the most improtant part is not to be afraid to try.
Sky,I commend you for the good and specific advise you have given. Likewise, I am waiting for a buying opportunity to transfer from G to I. But the I-fund seems closer to making a bottom than falling significantly further. I could be wrong, but yesterday Nnuut posted a good article and stated "Dollar upward movement has made it tough for the "I" fund lately. IMF, World Bank and G7 meetings may cause the dollar to lose ground to major Asian currencies." Whatever happens in those meetings is still to be seen, but longer term the dollar (IMHO) is expected to continue to decline -- thereby helping the I-fund. Since Pezfallout has already sustained significant losses in the I-fund, he should seriously consider riding it out, instead of exiting at this moment. There might be more downside yet, because, as someone noted some time ago, the I-fund's top 10 holdings are oil-related companies. These have a significant weight in the fund. If oil continues to drop, it will affect the I-fund. However, the trend is still for the I-fund to do well in the next few months. I would appreciate the input from more experienced persons who have played the I-fund for a longer period of time.

Markets will be watching to see whether concerns about exchange rates will
be raised at the IMF, World Bank and G7 meetings this weekend, particularly
after a German official last week expressed concern about the yen's weakness
against the euro.
The last time the group of 7 most industrialised nations raised concerns
about currency market flexibility, the dollar suffered hefty falls while
currencies seen as undervalued, such as the yen, edged higher.

If you were doing the ole DCA routine you would have less stress and less to worry about - the international strategy is a secular play - there will always be bumps in the road. But dollar cost averaging can go a long way to smooth things out in the long run. I really wouldn't mind if we stayed in this $19.00 to $20.00 range for the rest of the year and then do a breakout in the Spring.
I just put an IFT request for 100% I. I'm trying to stick to my plan of following the slow stochastics indicator. I am finally starting to feel a little disciplined. :)
I use with the symbol EFA. What settings are you using for slow stochastichs? I am using Slow STO %K(10) D(3), but this setting is not yet showing a breakout signal from the oversold level of below 20. It would be helpful to understand what you are seeing.
I just put an IFT request for 100% I. I'm trying to stick to my plan of following the slow stochastics indicator. I am finally starting to feel a little disciplined. :)
Ball park estimate: Local currency +0.4%, the dollar is a little lower at -0.05%, so the USD should be about +0.45%, for a gain of 9 cents to around $19.70
Y'all must have separate bedrooms. That frying pan hurts when ya make a mistake. :nuts: :D

I play the international with my wife's money. Less risky that way. Was looking for a DCA on 9/8 but it didn't arrive - may have hit her account after the close today.If not then I'm standing at the pay window for tomorrow.
That... puts you on top of the game! :D

Purely business!!! :p Of course, I'm not getting paid to do it.........
+ is good. Where do we stand for the month on the FV, Gilligan; ahead or behind?? :blink:

+ would only be good for those jumping out of the I fund today. Many TSPtalkers jumped into the I today. A +FV would be bad for them. If you are in the I fund and staying there then FVs are neutral.

And we are even on FVs right now.
I use with the symbol EFA. What settings are you using for slow stochastichs? I am using Slow STO %K(10) D(3), but this setting is not yet showing a breakout signal from the oversold level of below 20. It would be helpful to understand what you are seeing.

Hey sponsor -

I use symbol $IEE. It seems to be pretty much on target with the index's actual movement in U.S. Dollars. for slow STO, I just stick to the default %K(14) D(3). Sometimes I'll look at other numbers for %K, like 7 or so, if I feel that the default is straightening out or not moving fast enough. Of course, I'm only now really starting to follow it so who knows what logic I'll be using tomorrow?