Depending on your strategy! If you move funds around, mutual funds will get mad at ya! Their prospectus discourages "trading"! On the other hand ETF's can be traded frequently. Just understand how ETF funds "settle" and "free rides".
A few other items: Check the Expense Ratio on mutuals, and understand the bid vs ask price on ETF's.
Thanks Spaf, Well I am more of a buy and hold guy. However with this board and other services I have been drawn into making moves, trying to maxamize gains. I only plan to move my TSP account some what. With mutual funds I will buy and hold for a year at a time.
As of today I am moving 20C 30S 50I. I will most likely with go 50/50 S&I and hold until the end of the year. So yes this is my attempt to move more to buy and hold until the end of the year. We will see if I can hang.