PessOptimist's Account Talk

Scheiße. That has been one of my favorite expressions since my time in FRG. Politically correct here and everyone I knew there used it frequently.

Well, I am positive again (barely) for the year.

So, to reply to some of you, signal and readability good? Regular what? Oh, I sort of remember.

In some of these rants I stated if I ever got back to <0% I would move to G fund and leave it until I retire. Now I am greedy and thinking maybe S&P will get back to 2135 or so. Maybe not.

So I am aware of what I said here but as usual am frozen by anxiety.

Should I wait or should I go G?

merry xmas squirrel. nice move out today i think, you're going to finish the year positive. you held through thick and thin and what must've been some rough negative return times with the other half owner of your account. i think you did well. i am afraid now though because you don't move unless it is important and deliberate and you just pulled the ripcord all out total bail. that is a big move, first in over a year, you bring big thunder. boom!
First, Merry Christmas all or whatever holiday you celebrate or not this time of year.

Some may have been waiting with bated breath about why I moved funds after over a year sitting at 60C 40 G. Some of you may follow a Christmas tradition involving fish so would have baited breath.

The actual percentages were about 65C and 35G. This happened because S&P did so well overall. This also meant losses and gains on the auto tracker were a bit larger than shown.

The move was made because lately I have occasionally had too much time to watch the account and mourn about missed opportunities. Plus with two or so years left to retiring from the fed job I have been thinking about moving to the relative safety of the G fund, or at least getting most of it to G.

Under normal circumstances I likely would have let it ride and taken whatever gain or loss next week brings as my yearly % on the auto tracker really doesn’t mean a lot to me.

The SO I have been complaining about over the years has developed some health problems and been in and out of hospitals for close to two months. Continuously since surgery on Dec 4-6. Now she is in a rehab hospital which is a real big step towards recovery. I have been on family sick leave for almost two months. Thankfully I have enough sick leave and annual leave to get through this.

Thanks to Tom and all who started TSPTalk and for allowing it to become not only an investment MB but also a family of members who discuss many diverse issues.

So, do not put any emphasis at all on my move to G fund. Did it because I wanted to not worry about it or watch it for a while. I did follow the market every day and worry a lot, just never could figure out when to move. I think I will get back to C or S at some point.

The upside is that now my auto tracker and real TSP account have the percentages in sync.

i sincerely hope things are well and continue to progress with you and yours, that everybody can find a reason to be content with their health and wealth. life is a funny thing, priorities and the things we place value on can change in an instant. i value your friendship and wish you the best in the coming year.
Likewise PO, the best to you and yours in the coming year, and don't forget you will always have friends here.
Happy to hear the SO is on the mend, PO. sometimes important matters need to take a back seat due to other more far pressing important matters. You won't regret making SO your priority the past few months, best wishes for her recovery.
Hi PO, wishing for a good quick recovery for your SO. Caring for loved ones can be tough but it has its own rewards...hang in there. I hope this coming year brings you and your family good health. May God bless you both. Merry Christmas!
Happy new year everyone.

Reading a post here reminded me that I did beat the G fund this year. Barely and if I had not gone to the G fund Christmas eve would not have. However now I have to keep in mind it is not a yearly contest and I have at least two more years until retirement so should get back in to other funds at some point.

Number 167 on the full year AT. I’ll take it. Actual return was 2.29% based on spreadsheets. I never bothered to adjust AT percentages. My high for the year was 3.5% on 11/3 according to the same spreadsheets.

Thanks for the comments and support. Now I gotta go install some grab bars using something called wingits. Then off to the rehab hospital. I might post how the grab rail thing went in the lounge area.

Re: Some other subject

I just realized that if my user name was +1aardvark I would be #70 on the autotracker right now.

Been dipping in to C fund in a small way as I left my payroll allocation 100% C. So therefore I now own 67.5 shares of C. So far I think I am about .05% positive for the year after today. That is with G fund propping up the balance. WooHoo! Happy investing everyone.

In case anyone lucky enough to be using catch up contributions has forgotten, you need to restart those every year. I have not been able to so as I have not had the privilege of logging in to a dot gov domain yet this year. Just a matter of dividing $6k by the number of pay periods left and making it so. Round up if you need an even dollar amount. In my experience it will stop when you reach the limit.

Ruht-ro! Now that three pay periods have passed my C fund holding is over .5% so whenever C goes down 1.25% or so it negates my spectacular 2.25% per annum G fund earnings. Are these shares precious wallflowers bought at bargain prices or evil parasites sucking the life out of my TSP?:worried:

Someone let me know when the bottom is in so I can put all my retirement savings in S fund and double it by May 1[SUP]st[/SUP] 2018.


Only had to go back three pages to find this. Not too much action here in account talk. First an update on personal stuff I have been posting about.

SO went in to surgery again to relieve leg problems created by clot during back surgery. Released from hospital 3/14. Transported to ER 3/14 due to congestive heart failure. Now back home and doing better. Lots of small dramas since.

I have managed to follow the market sometimes but as usual taken no action. I moved all to G fund 12/24 and have made no move since. I left the payroll allocation at 100% C fund so have just under 1.5% in the C right now.

Should I adjust the autotracker to show this? It makes no difference as to prizes or anything like that, just means I am actually +.56 instead of +.49%. I asked this a couple years ago and comments were when you do an IFT it will balance. Comments?

Happy investing.

Still showing 100%G in the auto tracker. Reality is 98%G 2%C. Changing it at this point would make no real difference. 2% is due to leaving payroll allocation all C fund. Maybe I will change it at the end of this month just to keep autotracker close. Actual return discounting contributions is about .67%. Actually below the G funders.
