Pages load very slow.

here you go mlk, it is in the mail...




Anything else I can get you...????:p
Thanks Grandma, I'll take a ...........................:nuts:

Looks like TSPtalk just booted everyone? They working on it Tom?
Yes, I hope they are working on it. Here's the latest:

The amount of memory I was asking for can not be put on the dedictaed server we were recently moved to because it was not a Pentium 4 machine. So now the site is going to be moving to another server with a faster chip so I can crank up the memory. I got a pretty good deal but it is still way more than I wanted to pay. :blink:

If this doesn't make us fly then nothing will. Hopefully the upgrades will be completed within a couple of days.

Thanks for your patience!
Good deal Tom that should put some gas in the tank!!
This thing is slow as thick grits 11:30 to 12:00 EST!
I think we are up and rolling. Please give me some feedback on the performance. We may have to wait until Monday when more members are on during the day to get a good test.
Hey Tom --- it works!!! Lots faster today (Sunday). Were RIPPIN':nuts: NOW!!! Good Job!
Thanks. It seemed a bit sluggish near peak time Monday but still much better than it used to be.
The latest updates tonight seem to have us flying now. Please report any board performance problems. Thanks!