Old rule: Inactive accounts (no login for 90-days) are delisted, but can be added back on if requested.We actually changed that rule about a month ago because people were being delisted for inactivity, then asking to be put back on.
New rule (April): Anyone who joins the tracker, remains on the tracker until the end of that year, but if they do not login for 90-days, they are not eligible for prizes.
Here are some other options:
- Delist inactive (no login for 90-days) accounts and don't allow them back on during that same year. I am not sure I like this one as our goal is to allow everyone who is eligible and wants to be on, to be able to participate.
- Along with the new rule above, program in an "Inactive account" label next to the name.
Again, the only reason this is an issue is because the account in question is near the top. It happens all the time to accounts lower down on te tally.
Oh, and Steady, I wasn't taking your input as argumentative at all. I am asking for, and appreciate, your input so we can come to some collective agreement as to what might be best.