To play devil's advocate, I have not been a fan of letting those who are doing poorly opt out of the tracker because they aren't doing well. This promotes members staying in when doing well, and being taken out of the spot light when doing poorly.
I can certainly appreciate your feelings on this Tom and in all sincerity it would seem 'the fairest thing to do is make everyone join the AT' but there are many who do not and we are powerless to force them in.
When the AT becomes a burden for anyone - whatever the reason then they should have the freedom to be removed without any hassels. I think we need to respect all those willing to remain on the AT and maybe even more (or equally respect those who choose to get off) because there has to be some degree of difficulty or uncomfort - for them to want to leave.
The question is, do we take him off because he is doing well and others may follow an aboandoned account? This would be an exception to the rule.