optionman's Account Talk

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TSP Signal for 28 July 08

SPX had a relatively flat day Friday. Nothing really worth noting.

Let’s talk oil. The demand for oil has certainly waned or could it possibly be that I was right about a big part of the price being a result of futures speculators. Not long ago many pundits were pounding the desk saying it was a supply/demand issue (they don’t seem to be around much these days). So either demand has eased or I was right, obviously I like to believe it was the latter. Now the question is will it continue. IMO it probably will, but it was not so long ago that $100 a barrel was looked at as a ceiling, it may now be looked at as a floor (at least psychologically). Will falling oil prices help this rally? probably for a short period, but unfortunately I don’t believe even plunging oil prices can pull us out of this bear market. It will help, but there is much more work to be done. Before I go further, I recently read a book on oil and would like to suggest you read it. The book is very relevant to what’s happening in oil today and will likely have you wanting to buy oil after reading it. The book; Hubbert’s Peak, The Impending World Oil Shortage by Kenneth S. Deffeyes.

Before I go on, let me say that I am not a pessimist, optimist, perma-bear, perma-bull or economist. I am a realist and in addition to my propriety signal system I use technical analysis to gauge market behavior and I position my accounts accordingly.

Housing, credit crisis, financials, unemployment etc. IMO these problems are far from over and until they are resolved any attempt to rally will be short lived. In the near term we will likely continue to see the foreclosure rates rise, unemployment rise, banks fail and the FED (although trying hard) not be able to pull us out of this quagmire. The markets will not be able to withstand the onslaught so even as oil prices plunge and they probably will, any rally as a result will likely fail. I’ll come right out and say it, I believe we’re in for a crash and believe it will happen sometime between now and the end of October. Unfortunately, I’m inclined to believe that even after a crash we are in for a severe economic downturn. How do we prepare for such an event if I’m right? It’s hard to say since each individual is in a different situation, but I would remain very attentive to what’s happening in the markets and be ready to step out quickly. Take a look at the G fund and you’ll notice that had you started in it in 2008 and remained in it you would be up by a few % rather than down as all other funds are. This is not a good sign!

If I were in stock funds I would use this rally to bail especially if we move to the SPX 1320 area. In my posts lately I have been saying that I expect the market to reach this or that point based on my analysis. I generally try and refrain from doing that knowing that the more I know, the more I know that I don’t know. Now what in the H e double L is that suppose to mean om? It just means that I know that any time I suggest the market may move to a certain point, it doesn’t have to, it could move opposite to my expectation. The market has a funny way of leading everyone to believe it will do something and then BAM, it does just the opposite.

Yesterday I mentioned that I would be looking at ETFs I like for short and long positions. There are 2 longs and one short I like. I like IYZ at $23 and XLK at $22 for longs and XLU at $38-38.50 for a short. I’ll look again when I get the set up I’m waiting for to enter, but will probably go long SSO based on the SPX movement. I expect the position that I do take to be for a short term.

Regardless of my opinion on market direction, I trade only in the direction of my propriety signal system.

Note: autotracker is wrong by some 2% for my account, 1.34% is a result of starting in January 2008 which is understandable, but the rest? correct YTD performance is below.


Stock Funds: Buy signal 17 July 08, entry date 25 July 08 (100% I fund), will get out if SPX begins closing below 1240
Bond Fund: Sell 17 July 08 exit date 18 July 08

Stock fund performance since entry date: C S I

Current positions:

TSP: 100% G Fund
Trading Account: No open positions, waiting for long entry

YTD Performance:

TSP: +7.60%
Trading Account: -3.30%
Re: TSP Signal for 28 July 08

I’ll come right out and say it, I believe we’re in for a crash and believe it will happen sometime between now and the end of October.

I've liked the 1320 all along but should probably not get too greedy. I've already sold half my stocks around 1282...and will sell of much more around 1300. There is the thinking that the kitchen sink has been thrown out this last quarter. Well, I don't believe it. Therefore, how financials do the next earnings cycle MAY be the catalyst for another downturn....sometime in October? Also, seems like falling oil = upward pressure on stocks, but rising oil = double downward. At some point oil is gonna rise again...and when it does, it may result in a true "capitulation" in stocks.

Look at interest rates...rising higher and higher. Stay out of F, has been my motto. Perma-bear Karl Denninger thinks the bond market will sell off further once a fannie/freddie backstop plan goes through. He also thinks it will sink our childrens financial future. In the short term...higher rates will not help at all our housing prices and inventory. Rose to > 11 month inventory of unsold new houses. Prices will come down further.

I really feel we can expect the herd to test 1300. I think we will if we can hold 1240-1245 during this rally.
Re: TSP Signal for 28 July 08

I've liked the 1320 all along but should probably not get too greedy. I've already sold half my stocks around 1282...and will sell of much more around 1300. There is the thinking that the kitchen sink has been thrown out this last quarter. Well, I don't believe it. Therefore, how financials do the next earnings cycle MAY be the catalyst for another downturn....sometime in October? Also, seems like falling oil = upward pressure on stocks, but rising oil = double downward. At some point oil is gonna rise again...and when it does, it may result in a true "capitulation" in stocks.

Look at interest rates...rising higher and higher. Stay out of F, has been my motto. Perma-bear Karl Denninger thinks the bond market will sell off further once a fannie/freddie backstop plan goes through. He also thinks it will sink our childrens financial future. In the short term...higher rates will not help at all our housing prices and inventory. Rose to > 11 month inventory of unsold new houses. Prices will come down further.

I really feel we can expect the herd to test 1300. I think we will if we can hold 1240-1245 during this rally.

CP--I agree, but I certainly hope Karl is wrong about our children's financial future. Perhaps he believes as I do that we are entering an economic downturn. Unfortunately we will not be able to do much about it in the TSP since they have no short funds/ETFs, but my system allows me to take advantage of both long and short situations so I am looking forward to this rally ending allowing me to put on a short trade and if it does happen to keep going (which I doubt) I'll just stay long once I enter and keep a tight stop in place. IMO if this rally fails here and begins closing below 1240 we will see lower lows soon and if it doesn't it probably will at the 1320 area. Trade well my friend.

Re: TSP Signal for 28 July 08

CP--I agree, but I certainly hope Karl is wrong about our children's financial future. Perhaps he believes as I do that we are entering an economic downturn. Unfortunately we will not be able to do much about it in the TSP since they have no short funds/ETFs, but my system allows me to take advantage of both long and short situations so I am looking forward to this rally ending allowing me to put on a short trade and if it does happen to keep going (which I doubt) I'll just stay long once I enter and keep a tight stop in place. IMO if this rally fails here and begins closing below 1240 we will see lower lows soon and if it doesn't it probably will at the 1320 area. Trade well my friend.


Is 1320 the high point ? I think the Housing News Fannie/Freddie could give a jolt this week. I like how the Senate passed it on Saturday.

I was talking to some people yesterday and they see a very bad picture ahead. Similar to what you said here last week a crash is upon us and one said if Oil even gets back to $135 it's over the selling won't stop and we would be in what was called a freeze market. The big investment companies will pull back and the average investor will get out and write off their losses.

It was referred to a complete speculation market vs. an investment market and it was no built to handle all these quick fixes. The outlook for earning will not be met by many even when the bar has been lowered for most stocks. There in lies the rub the stocks earnings have been lowered so when they meet guidlines it gives the appearance that the company is doing well but it is far from the truth.

The crash the you referred to I mentioned and one stated look at where the Market was in 2000 and look at it today. The difference is people bought homes that were priced at $600,000 but actual value was $280,000 now move that across with the same mark-up it was 50% on SPECULATION - just as Oil. Sad to say it but when I hear crash I think 1000 points but not here this market with all the addition problems will see a 4000 point drop - from 12000 - 4000 = 8000 on the Dow.

The other huge problem is the 401 K's those are crashing right now.
Re: TSP Signal for 28 July 08

The other huge problem is the 401 K's those are crashing right now.

Do you have any statistics on this? I have long believed that 401K contributions would start going down as people need more money to live on. Also, people near retirement may start pulling out (baby boomers too). There is SO much credit card debt out there...watch the banks have to turn it off...THAT will go over well!

Be wrong and sit tight!
Re: TSP Signal for 28 July 08

Do you have any statistics on this? I have long believed that 401K contributions would start going down as people need more money to live on. Also, people near retirement may start pulling out (baby boomers too). There is SO much credit card debt out there...watch the banks have to turn it off...THAT will go over well!

Be wrong and sit tight!

One of the people I spoke to lost 44K this year and that was not including June/July. He won't even look anymore. He is 38 years married 2 little kids. He said he had no choice but to stay with it but was warned.

Many especially those under 50 have been in higher risk and we see how that has turned.

The last topic was the international markets were on the verge of failure even before our markets fall. Lots of talk about China buying up as much gold as possible the past 10 years. China doesn't have this Oil demand they allegedly have 10X the reserves built up over the United States. Their inflation is high and they don't care.

In this Market crash out #1 problem is not Iraq it's China..........
I am also concerned about another downturn, but I gotta beleive there is a good chance we'll reduce the dire effects of a 4000 point loss in the S&P or elsewhere. This country will develop an energy strategy and fund it (even if its T. Bone that singlemindedly accomplishes the task). If we can get the energy issue in hand, I gotta beleive our other woes can be resolved with American ingenuity and a good justice system..remember ...all those stolen dollars haven't dissappeared. They still exist. The trick is to figure out how to get em back. If we can get some true leadership in the game, we'll work this mess out. :D:D:D
I agree with your thought process. The resources are there. We only have put them together with good leadership, good intentions, appropriate policies, and a sense of national unity. The devil is in the details....!
Fogsailing and airlift—Please let me reiterate my market forecast. I believe this market is in for a panic driven sell off that will lead to a crash and believe it will happen before the end of October. I rarely make such a forecast, but in light of our current economic environment, I believe we will see it. If it happens I won’t claim to have called it or say I told you so or I warned you or any of that business. I will say that if you read this thread I hope you positioned your accounts accordingly.

Now please allow me to elaborate on my forecast. There are 3 factors that cause me to believe this:

1) The housing bubble has popped, but continues to take its toll, here’s how: financials are in way more trouble than most believe; foreclosures are rising, new building permits declining, banks are failing, credit card debt is rising, credit standards for home loans are more strict and mortgage rates are not attractive. This is having a ripple affect causing unemployment to rise as a result of less goods and services being purchased from lumber to appliances. A few weeks ago Indymac bank went under. Did you notice it was not announced until after the close on a Friday, well guess what? it happened again this past week, 2 more banks went under and were not announced until after the close Friday, think that’s a coincidence? I think it was done on purpose so as not to panic the market. Unfortunately many more banks are likely to fail before it’s over.

2) Oil prices rising exasperated the problem. People who are not so well off financially are not only losing their homes, but can barely afford to commute to their jobs. Plus the rise in oil is having far reaching affects including every day goods from a head of lettuce to a gallon of milk rising due to transportation costs.

3) The falling dollar. The falling dollar added to the rise in oil and continues to do so, but I will say the dollar looks to be stabilizing and forming a bottom. It may actually begin rising soon which will be good and cause oil to fall even further, but oil falling alone will not bring us out of this.

Now consider that 2 of the largest sectors in the S&P500 are financials and energy (see http://www2.standardandpoors.com/spf/pdf/index/SP_500_Factsheet.pdf for a breakdown). So if one is falling the other needs to be rising or a few of the others will have to shoulder the weight to keep the index afloat or at least in some sort of balance. With them both falling, it could and probably will get ugly.

My signal system is a great system as evidenced by its results thus far this year, but it’s more of a trend following system than anything so it picks up on a trend after it has started. So while I will not trade against it I also will be very careful and keep an eye on support/resistance levels. For example if SPX begins closing below 1240 from here I will get out. Although I expect a bit more of a rally from here, I am looking for a long entry point and that will require a slight pullback (for the chart set up I am looking for) so I am looking for a pullback to the 1240-1250 level for an entry. If I do get the set up I will take it, but I will keep tight stops and don’t expect to be in it for long.

Believe me when I say I don’t like to spread doom and gloom. I just call it the way I see it.

Dang-it optionman, just when I start feeling good about my TSP you come along with this and cause me to worry about it. Well, please don’t worry, just be aware and keep your eye on the ball so as not to get a lump right between the eyes that you won’t soon forget.
I hear you Option. Thanks for your advice. I truly appreciate your thoughtful and well intended analysis. I guess the concept of a "crash" is one I just don't try to dwell on. I'm always hopeful that serenpidity will somehow save us from ourselves...:D:D:D

TSP Signal for 29 July 08

SPX had a strong down day yesterday violating my 1240 stop. This pullback has created a minor resistance at 1240 followed by stronger resistance at 1260 and 1280. My stock fund signal remains on a buy and as I‘ve said I will not trade against it, but I may stand aside and see how things work out when stops are being violated so that’s what I’m doing.

Bonds are starting to look better here and may be on the verge of moving to a buy although they will likely have a slight pullback first.


Stock Funds: Buy signal 17 July 08 (entry date 25 July 08, stepping out and will no longer track)
Bond Fund: Sell 17 July 08 exit date 18 July 08

Stock fund performance since entry date: C-1.85% S-1.43% I-1.18%

Current positions:

TSP: 100% G Fund
Trading Account: No open positions

YTD Performance:

TSP: +7.71%
Trading Account: -3.30%
I'm a bit confused. Like Braveheart, I've been watching your posts for an entry date and saw you post this a few days ago. It appears that you moved to 100% I fund, but your summary says 100% G fund. Also, I don't see the corresponding move to I fund in the tracker for your entry date. I'm confused because the "current position" and the stated move to I fund don't agree.

Stock Funds: Buy signal 17 July 08, entry date 25 July 08 (100% I fund), will get out if SPX begins closing below 1240
Bond Fund: Sell 17 July 08 exit date 18 July 08

Stock fund performance since entry date: C S I

Current positions:

TSP: 100% G Fund
I'm a bit confused. Like Braveheart, I've been watching your posts for an entry date and saw you post this a few days ago. It appears that you moved to 100% I fund, but your summary says 100% G fund. Also, I don't see the corresponding move to I fund in the tracker for your entry date. I'm confused because the "current position" and the stated move to I fund don't agree.

L2R--Thanks. Please read post #308. I believe it will clear things up. Trade Well!

TSP Signal for 30 July 08

Stock Funds: Buy signal 17 July 08 (no IFTs left for July)
Bond Fund: Buy signal 29 July 08, (but no entry, read below)(no IFTs left for July)

Strong up day across the board yesterday. SPX created what is known in candle pattern terms as a piercing pattern. These patterns are fairly reliable so we may see a bit of follow through here. It’s hard to say, bulls and bears are fighting it out and we remain in what I consider “no mans land”. I’m waiting to enter a short position, but my stock fund signal remains on a buy so I’ll wait a bit longer.

My bond fund signal moved to a buy yesterday, but is flashing a very bearish candle pattern known as an evening star so although it moved to a buy I would not enter just yet. I would stand aside and let that pattern resolve, then if my signal remains on a buy look at a possible entry.

Current positions:

TSP: 100% G Fund
Trading Account: No open positions

YTD Performance:

TSP: +7.72%
Trading Account: -3.30%
Option: Does oil spike this week based in the Iran news..or does it stay level? Do we have any more banks failing this week? I feel another short rally is in store but I still feel like oil is going to spike again first? The economic calendar is rather quiet this week. Last year August was a big month..historically not..What are you tea leaves indicating? I'm going to be very conservative through October (might even stay in G), but I also feel open to investing 50% if the conditions are right. Just trying to break even for the year and I've got about 1.7% to make up.

Option: Does oil spike this week based in the Iran news..or does it stay level? Do we have any more banks failing this week? I feel another short rally is in store but I still feel like oil is going to spike again first? The economic calendar is rather quiet this week. Last year August was a big month..historically not..What are you tea leaves indicating? I'm going to be very conservative through October (might even stay in G), but I also feel open to investing 50% if the conditions are right. Just trying to break even for the year and I've got about 1.7% to make up.


For the time being, my take on it is that stocks are becoming a little more immune to higher oil prices in the near term, since some say we hit the bottom.
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