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Thanks for your posting Optionman...
It was a good week even though I was only part way invested this week...but a little gain is better than none..part of my contining 2008 experiment. My question is.."look in your crystal ball" ..Will the market tank and by how much. Elliott wave theory says it will, but when? If it does, do we fall quickly in a major way or in smaller 1335, possibly down to 1270 (or lower) again and retest the March lows.
It appears to me that the market is more stable than it was in March, after all, we already know oil is going to go up.up.up...and as been suggested, we overcame the initial wall of fear about rising oil cost. The question is "Is $120-126 a barrel going to stick, or will we begin to trickle higher. If oil stabilizes, it would seem to me that markets should also stabilize, but again...Elliott wave theory still presupposes a downturn..and we still have a credit crisis, a mortgage crisis, the Iraq war, a damaged dollar..and high prices for oil..hmmmm...
It's always fun to try to figure this stuff out...but in the end, we can only make a decision about what's happening's a shame but that's the game.
GL to you in your investing...
After a strong up day Thursday SPX broke down and closed below a significant support of 1375 Friday. By now you have probably heard or read about the record oil surge Friday as well. I continue to believe a good portion of the price of oil is pure speculation. Sy Harding wrote a great column about it in his weekly newspaper article. Here’s a link to it for those interested:
I continue to expect momentum to pick up and drive the stock market down far and fast soon. I remain 100% G fund expecting this downward move to continue in both stocks and bonds.
Bullish or Bearish? Long or Short? Up or Down? ………
We sometimes get hung up on the terms and will often do just the opposite of what we should be doing just to prove we’re right. It’s the ego again. Ego is probably the single most disadvantages thing in trading.
Don’t be that guy!
The guy that says I’m bullish and I must be right so I’ll hang on until I’m proven right even if it costs me 50% of my account and takes me 3 years to recover. I’ll show them!!
The guy that sold AOL short at $2.00 and held it while it rose to $80 or $90, what did he have to gain? Look at the risk vs. reward on that one.
The guy that says well I’m down this far what do I have to lose? Well, a lot more is what. Remember you can always get back in and there is no commission at least in our TSP accounts.
The guy that doesn’t use stops. Use stops and when in doubt get out!
The guy that doesn’t use some sort of well thought out strategy or system for being in the market to begin with.
The guy that doesn’t have a plan and doesn’t know when to get out if a position goes against him.
The guy that doesn’t follow the optionman’s system, OK I just threw that one in for fun to see if you were listening.
The guy that lets his friends buy stocks while the markets are falling or sell short while the markets are rising. Did you know that somewhere between 70 and 80 percent of all stocks move in the direction of their respective index? So going against them you have between a 20 and 30 percent chance of a successful trade.
Don’t Be That Guy!
Don’t let your ego get the best of you when good judgment is needed. That’s like saying here I am, I’m an idiot and I’ve decided to give away my money.
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week and I’ll see you back here next weekend. Trade Well!
“Win or lose, everybody gets what they want out of the market. Some people seem to like to lose, so they win by losing money.”
Ed Seykota
SPX needs a good drubbing and my signals and analysis continue to suggest we will soon see one in the form of either a capitulation sell off or a momentum driven sell off that leads to a capitulation. Look for momentum to pick up and a strong sell off to ensue on high volume accompanied by a spike in the volatility index $VIX. Note that on Friday we had a high volume down day with volume very close to the levels on the January and March bottoms, but volatility although rising remained low. If SPX does happen to bounce up from here I would expect a reversal back downward around the 1340 resistance area.