ocean's Account Talk

Very impressive in looking at EBB tracking system for the last 8 weeks with 6 winning weeks and 2 losses.

Let me give my Ocean non-system tracking record for the last two months. My purpose is to show the readers that there are so many systems / non-system that TSPers are using. And this is for information only and nothing else. As a TSP day trader, I don't have a system per se. My general rule is to go light on Monday and Friday and look at today market and guess the next day market trend before I do my IFT. It's that simple.

Since June 1 till July 28, there were total of 41 trading days. I have total of 23 wins, 16 losses and 3 even. (Yes I keep my daily record on the spreadsheet).

June gain: 5.3%
July gain: 0%

A total of 5.3% for the last two months so far and I will see coming Monday as it will be the last day of July to determine if I am up or down for the month.

Happy trading


If FS, S&S, WofOz, Wheels and Ocean are on the sideline so far. Advice is to better watch the market for tomorrow.

Well, the market did go up nicely today and I was on the sidelines with the big G fund. My feeling was just like my basketball team won the big game and I was on the injury list and stayed home watching the game on TV. I will see what the game will turn out tomorrow while I am still on the G for another day.

ocean your not alone i'm sitting there on the sidelines G fund also. i did not want to get caught like i did the last time when i had a good gain and stayed in and lost it back. i just hope a good entry point comes. i got out of I at $ 19.41, looking to piuck up shares. your analogy was right on !!! there seems to be so much happening in the world that things are very unpredictable. looking for a drop !!!

In the game of basketball (basically any game), playing defense can win game too. This is what I call playing for not losing. We just have to know the right time to play offense to make profit. And now we are just waiting for the right moment to attack.

Rather play with fire today, just stay out again and see what will happen. Still 100% G.

I am glad that I switched to 100% stock fund yesterday and got a perfect hit today. Hope tomorrow will be another good day even thought I will be 50% in stock fund tomorrow.

Most people on the tracker that I noticed were in certain percentage of stock funds or fully loaded (even Techie is 100% in S today), I guess we should be happy about today market surged.
ocean said:
I am glad that I switched to 100% stock fund yesterday and got a perfect hit today. Hope tomorrow will be another good day even thought I will be 50% in stock fund tomorrow.

Most people on the tracker that I noticed were in certain percentage of stock funds or fully loaded (even Techie is 100% in S today), I guess we should be happy about today market surged.

Didn't know you would notice......got out today though......
Did you catch the move from the Transports and CSX. So many are so worried - I like that negativity. There is only so much room available on the train.
The_Technician said:
Didn't know you would notice......got out today though......

Sure Tech, there are many things that I can learn on this board. It's either from the bull or the bear side or from the crystal ball. The market is just like a piece of art work, different people have different ways of interpreting the same object. As for me who does not know too much about the market just needs to observe and learn and hope I can gain from it.

BTW, I did notice that you switched back to G before noon today.

Birchtree said:
Did you catch the move from the Transports and CSX. So many are so worried - I like that negativity. There is only so much room available on the train.


I would say I was one of those got worried and jumped ship when it was around $60. I really appreciate the recommendation and you care to look to me and asked me about it.

As outside of TSP, I am just a small investor and can’t compare with you. (Just saw your other post and understand that your glory day started back in 1982 with $300K profit in 10 months. Fabulous !!!). Back then I didn't even own a single stock.

I saw CSX went up $2+ today and good for you. If I remember right, you had mentioned that the split shares will be your free shares because you had bought it for about $30 originally. I wish I can have that kind of patient to hold a stock without selling it. As I said before, I still have a lot to learn.

The market still stay strong this afternoon even as we speak (1:48 pm). Having 50% in I fund today is like a bonus for me. Unless I see a down market close, I would not take myself totally out of the stock funds. Leave 20% in C for tomorrow for the idea of riding the trend.
I doubled up on my CSX today - can't wait for the correction that may not arrive - things are ready to get hot.
Under normal situation, I would have sold 1/2 of the holding and keep the free shares. That's why you are the master.

My feeling is that coming Monday will be a down day. Just leave 10% in C as a hedge and not to be too greedy since I already made out pretty good this week.
A while ago someone on this board mentioned about the markets tend to go up near the end of the month and continue into the first few days of the new month. Prices tend to drop in between. Well it may not be totally correct but it can happen. I am observing the market condition for another day or so and may jump back in with a small portion for coming Monday. I’ll see how it play out. Currently 100% G.

Market seems to get better each day as it is near the end of the month. Just made a bold move to 100% in stock funds and hope it will work out for coming Monday.

Have a nice weekend.

Racing to the full throttle of the final lap in the final week of the month. Going all out to the more aggressive stock funds for the good part of this week. Hope it works for me.

Got into the cruise control yesterday and today and hit all the right spots. I even got a break on the FV today on the I fund. Average of last 2 days earned me about 1.4% returns on my TSP. I can’t ask for more than that and just consider myself to be lucky. Well, tomorrow I will take a little breather and see what the market will give.

Good luck to all.

Finishing up the last trading day of the month on a slower pace and try not to be greedy. Just throw in 10% in I fund as hedge and 90% in G fund. Will be ready to make certain moves in coming week.
