ocean's Account Talk

No dobut, the ebb tracker is taking number one spot on perfect hit for the last seven sessions and last 3 months percentage gains. Way to go EBB.

Here is the Ocean picks stat on the Ocean account:

6 out of 7 sessions were up for the last 7 session except today (Wednesday).

For the last 32 trading sessions since 7/24

19 wins
6 losses
7 evens (in G)

I consider my Ocean picks is holding up pretty strong too.

Good luck to all

Ah, the advantage of age and the power account. Good for you - keep it working for many more years getting a big bang for the bucks. I've been known to say that a 14% return on no money is still guess what, no money. Staying with a good DCA is the eventual redeemer. I'm about $2,000.00 behind you.

With that amount, I would say we are even. Even though you and I have two distinct styles in terms of TSP investment, but our goal is the same.

Ah, TSP account and wine have something in common, it's better with age.

Less than twenty years and almost half a mil. Just think what we could have done if they didn't have the IFT restrictions that used to be in place. Those were a joke.

Agree with that. We used to sit on the funds for 1/2 month to get transfer. Now we can do it with 1/2 day to take in effect. It feels like day and night.

I can predict within the next 15 years, a lot of members here will have over $1M in their account.
One thing I did not mention is that without this forum and the personality of the members and the style of each person investment strategy, I simply can't make this happen. (last year my return was only 7.5% before I joined this forum.)

I'd learned from you all and with some luck and this was my result.

I need to say thanks to everyone here. Thanks, thanks, thanks ..... thanks, thanks, thanks

That's a 22% gain which includes new deposits in 9 months. You can possibly clear 100k gain by the end of the year. That's smokin! Good shootin' Tex. Just think what you can do next year!


You know, my success at this point (I don't expect to stop here) has a lot to you do with your inputs on this board. Thanks a million times another million.

Does everyone here put 15% into there TSP account a paycheck? I just started working for the government 3 years ago, and started putting 5% in a couple of years ago. I already have over 12K in my account and I am thinking about bumping to 15% when I get my next raise in February. Also, I just got married in May and started my wifes account up this last month (she is a governemnt worker too). I just cant imagine what kind of money we will have to retire on 30 years from now. :nuts:
I worked my way up slowly. Every year I'd add a percentage or two in December knowing that the COLA in January would soften the blow to my wallet. If you can afford to go whole hog, more power to you. You may also want to check out some of the threads that advocate putting in the 5% to get the match and then putting the rest into a Roth. There is good logic there as well.
Does everyone here put 15% into there TSP account a paycheck?

Ive been in Government work for little over 3 years too. I started with 15%, but recently switched to contribute the maximum to get $15,000. To do that, instead of using percentages of base pay, I used a flat dollar amount of $576 contribution each paycheck. That way I dont have to worry about reallocating the percentage every time COLA changes or Step Increases or whatever. :)
Does everyone here put 15% into there TSP account a paycheck? I just started working for the government 3 years ago, and started putting 5% in a couple of years ago. I already have over 12K in my account and I am thinking about bumping to 15% when I get my next raise in February. Also, I just got married in May and started my wifes account up this last month (she is a government worker too). I just cant imagine what kind of money we will have to retire on 30 years from now. :nuts:


The answer to your question is neither right nor wrong. In my opinion, both FS and CE are correct and it just depends on your own situation.

If I understand your situation, I would do the following:

Starting new in a job and just got married, assuming no kids yet, may be saving up for the new home, each year salary goes up with grade and step increase plus locality. I would put the max of $15K each year and do it like CE does. Divide it up by 26 so it will be $577 for each deduction. For married couple, your tax rate may be 25 – 30 %. So your actual contribution will be 25 – 30 % less than $577. That’s another $144 - $ 173 saving in your pocket. I would do the same for your wife. The potential growth in both you and your wife’s accounts would be unimaginable because any number on your TSP is times 2.

I always give advice to young interns in my work place to contribute the max. Some of the interns started this way 12 – 15 years ago with maximum contributing, most of those interns (now became senior engineers) have over $200K now with decent risk level of investment strategy.

I can tell you that this system works because it works for me. Now the choice is yours and good luck to you and your wife.

Are you still holding the CSX you bought awhile back - it's made some nice gains. I'm going to hold mine until the cows come home, and am considering a DCA to $50.00. I finally popped the $500,000 mark - but you're still two steps out in front.


I sold my CSX about break even awhile ago and I see you still riding the train. Very nice.

Counting today's gain, I am about 4k behind you. As for the month of October, when I check the C fund at the end of day I just remember you with a smile on my face. You sure can make alot of peope jealous if you know what I mean.

Let's see who will get to the next half M first in the next 5 years. (that's my goal).

I hope Wheels will talk soon so we all can join the 1/2 M club. (welcome others to join too.)

Let's see who will get to the next half M first in the next 5 years. (that's my goal).

I hope Wheels will talk soon so we all can join the 1/2 M club. (welcome others to join too.)


Okay, I got about 470,000 to go before I hit the ole 500,000 mark. I'd like to see how fast it goes up, with the help of this excellent TSP community.

Well my friend the first thing you need to do is accumulate and accumulate some more. The Birchtree first law of finance is that it takes money to make money - rather simple. And if you are disciplined you will have larger power accounts sooner than it took most of us. All it takes besides money is education and some stomach - you've come to the right place.