ocean's Account Talk

My gut feeling is we are going to see a 3 - 5 percent pullback and then a Christmas rally somtime between now and the end of 2007.

Although I have been (per se') out of the loop since my busy season, I try my best to stay in tune. Very hard to do!

A push to 15000 on the dow would not surprise me although I don't think everything is as good with the economy as the stock market suggests.

I think within the next 5 month's we will see a medium pullback of at least 2000 dow points.

I would like to take a position and "not" watch the markets as much as I do but I think there is big opportunity ahead of us in the next coming month's.

JMO though... :)

Maybe today is the start of my prediction of the 3 - 5 % pullback although there will be up and down day's.

I love the volatility. Big money making oppurtunity's... :)
Christmas rally I'm sure, but we need to get through October first. Lets watch the bulls get run out of the arena. It will be more amusing from the sidelines. Who has the popcorn?