Hi Nnuut, You might be right. Politics might be high stakes this week. I see lots of commentators saying a deal will be worked out but heard Rand Paul talking earlier today, and he is saying no to Ryancare/Obamalite. Even with Trump's ability to persuade and negotiate, hear too many saying they don't like the current bill because it doesn't really replace Obamacare and does not have some of the most important things that will ensure pricing comes down (ability to do insurance over State borders), etc. But more importantly, it has subsidies that will pay insurance companies if they don't make enough... an indicator that it could be an economic failure costing too much (which is a huge possibility) especially if this phase 1 passes but phase 3 (with State line de-regulation fixes, etc do not get passed later and which require 60 votes in the Senate (i.e. needs 8 Democrats). Sounds like that phase 1 bill needs a lot of work so while I don't want to bet against Trump's ability to persuade, I'm doubtful it can be fixed enough to pass on Thursday. They likely need more time to get it done right. Also, it would not surprise me if Trump actually is allowing Ryan to have all the rope he needs to hang himself. He did mention not forgetting who his friends were when it counted during the rally this past weekend. So who knows... this will definitely affect the market in a big way. It either rockets on Thursday/Friday if it passes or it may fall further if it doesn't. Will see......
Not expressing politics here... just how it could have a huge impact on market this week. Ugghh.... so before we had to worry about the Fed. Now the market getting affected more by politics.
Best Wishes to You and Everyone on Investments!!!!!!!! :smile: