New Forum


Staff member
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As our little community grows here, I thought I would add a forum where we can buy, sell and trade items and services with each other. It doesn't have to be investment related :).

Have fun!
imported post

1996 stratacastor guitar, hard shell case, pickup cords, excellent condition $350.00

If inerested send me an e-mail at tdm432 at and I will send picture. Its is white and a very beautiful. So easy to play. It was mybest friend until I met my wife, Then it couldn't play the clubs anymore. Still plays for celebrations and at rest homes

Also, a concession stand/fireworks stand on wheels. Have made lots of money for the last 6 years selling fireworks from it. It has a fountain coke machine, that works but I have never used it.want $800.00. Or will sell coke machine seperate $100.00