Hopefully everyone votes today.
If you haven't voted you might want to think about this:
Federal pay and benefits could change with new Congress
By Emily Long elong@govexec.com November 1, 2010
"In recent months, there's been a lot of talk about proposed hiring and pay freezes and mandatory furloughs in the federal government. But those ideas could become reality if Republicans on Tuesday win the necessary 39 seats to gain control of the House..."
If you haven't voted you might want to think about this:

Federal pay and benefits could change with new Congress
By Emily Long elong@govexec.com November 1, 2010
"In recent months, there's been a lot of talk about proposed hiring and pay freezes and mandatory furloughs in the federal government. But those ideas could become reality if Republicans on Tuesday win the necessary 39 seats to gain control of the House..."