nasa1974's Account Talk

Hopefully everyone votes today.

If you haven't voted you might want to think about this:

Federal pay and benefits could change with new Congress
By Emily Long November 1, 2010

"In recent months, there's been a lot of talk about proposed hiring and pay freezes and mandatory furloughs in the federal government. But those ideas could become reality if Republicans on Tuesday win the necessary 39 seats to gain control of the House..."

The market has been so goofy that I haven't done much with the <1% account. With that said here are the end of month numbers for September and October.

Week ending 10/29
<1% $106,535.61 (GFCSI)
80,5,5,5,5% $103,505.62 (GFCSI)
30,35,35% $107,932.04 (CSI)
G-100% $102,390.33
F-100% $108,327.40
C-100% $106,136.87
S-100% $114,466.78
I-100% $102,936.02

Difference between September & October
<1% $3,205.80
80,5,5,5,5% $787.21
30,35,35% $4,143.15
G-100% $185.16
F-100% $388.73
C-100% $3,887.48
S-100% $4,904.09
I-100% $3,601.35

Week ending 9/30
<1% $103,329.81 (GFCSI)
80,5,5,5,5% $102,718.41 (GFCSI)
30,35,35% $103,788.89 (CSI)
G-100% $102,205.17
F-100% $107,938.67
C-100% $102,249.39
S-100% $109,562.68
I-100% $99,334.67
All I can say about yesterday is WOW. First four trading days have been exciting. Do we start looking over our shoulder??? I can't believe this rocket ride can continue at this pace. I still have my two IFT's for the month, but will I use them?
After yesterdays finish I have finally reached my previous high and established a new high for my real account as well as my TSP tracker account. It has taken just over six months to recover since that high point at the end of April. My low point came on July 6th and as of yesterday I have added 20.26% to that tracker account.
Let's hope that Novemebr and December can continue to add more money to everyones accounts. Good Luck everyone.
Hey everybody we may want to keep an eye on these folks. This is from

Tea Party Senator-elect Backs 10 Percent Pay Cut

By Tom Shoop Sunday, November 7, 2010 8:21 PM

"Senator-elect Rand Paul, R-Ky., who won his race with the backing of the Tea Party, went on ABC's This Week on Sunday to discuss his plans for shrinking government. "Everything across the board" needs to be cut, he said. Pressed for specifics, Paul had this to say about federal employment and pay:
I'm going to look at every program, every program. But I would freeze federal hiring. I would maybe reduce federal employees by 10 percent. I'd probably reduce their wages by 10 percent. The average federal employee makes $120,000 a year. The average private employee makes $60,000 a year. Let's get them more in line, and let's find savings. Let's hire no new federal workers."

It is a very short article so I posted the whole thing. Here is the link

$120,000!!!!!!!!??????? There they go again counting only the Bureaucrats! What about the Welders, Sheet Metal Workers, Firemen, Plumbers Production Controllers, Technicians, Inspectors, Machinists, Painters etc?:nuts:
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Will he take the same pay cut? And where did he get that average pay???
Of course he won't take the same pay cut. He deserves his salary. Unlike all the rest of us. :blink:

And I'm like you, Norm and Windhunter. I want that $120,000 salary and then heck, I'd take a twenty percent pay cut! :rolleyes::laugh:

By the way, he also wants to go back to the budget for 2004. That means Iraq and Afganistan are off budget again? :toung:
Here is another elected offical looking out for us.

Likely House majority leader calls for hiring freeze

By Ben Terris National Journal November 10, 2010

"The Republicans surged to power this past election with rhetoric about changing the way Washington is run and reducing the federal budget. House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, R-Va., the presumed House majority leader, says he has a plan to tackle both of these issues with a single move: slash the federal bureaucracy..."

Here is the link
Sounds like what we need here is a pay cap, not a "cut all salaries"! Big difference between a luggage screener and high level appointee/upper management pay.