nasa1974's Account Talk

Noon deadline sure can hurt sometimes. C and I just went positive. What a crazy market.:notrust::notrust:
I've been playing a trend since march ..make sure I'm in on the last and first days of the month then out for the gradual pullback thru midmonth; I get back in and stay thru the first of the following month. Doing ok, recouped.;)
The rally has been pretty good lately.
In my real account I am +5%, but that includes my deposits. But positive non the less. Considering that in early March I was -17.23% from 1/1/09 and -27.84% from 1/1/08. I'm still a -8.5% from my high point at the end of 2007, but slowly chipping away. So I have about two years to reach a new high. Yep, 2012 is my retirement target date.
Last Tuesday and Thursday I went to a retirement seminar. Probably should have gone to one about 10 years ago, but that is water under the bridge. Thursday we listened to a financial advisor about our TSP. Sure wish I had the opportunity about 15 years ago. I guess where I am going with this is if you have at least 10-15 before retirement and your organization offers a retirement seminar. Take it. I thought it was very informative.
Well August ended on a negative note and was a bit on the volitile side, but not a bad month overall. I ended the month at +5.11 and YTD at a +4.97. From an early March low of -17.23 that is a 22% increase. On the Fantasy TSP Tracker, that would put me in the top 20. :nuts: Well maybe not since some folks out there did better than 22%. :worried: DARN!!!
I updated my Excel spreadsheet through August. Attached is the part of the spreadsheet that shows the account totals through August. If anyone is interested I can show the indivdual accounts. Just ask and I will attach the information.
In August for the <1% account I performed 9 <1% moves. By August 10th the funds looked like this 0,5,31,32,32 (GFCSI). Since I was using the G fund to feed the other funds I reset back to 80,5,5,5,5 on August 13th. So for the next 4 months I will continue the <1% option vs the Buy & Hold accounts and we will see who the winner is.
The account leader is still the <1% option with $121,849.91. Followed by I, S, (30,35,35), C and (80,5,5,5,5).
I am not watching the market real close but in less than an hour the S fund went from a +1.00% to a -1.54%. WOW!! What is going on???
Tough day to be invested, hang in there buddy ;)

Thanks JTH,

I am in my <1% mode with 78,6,5,5,6 in the GFCSI. I can still lose some money but not too much. :cheesy: If the market stays close to -2% it will be a couple hundred dollars. :( Better than a couple of thousand. :blink:
Bad news seems to be pulling the market down. Remember, not too long ago, when bad news meant a good day for the market. :rolleyes:
Really debated yesterday whether to pull the trigger. With todays uptick it might of been a good move. Even today I just couldn't talk myself into jumping into the pond with both feet instead of dipping my toes in the water. It just feels like a head fake. Might miss out on some nice profit, but that is what happens some times. Good luck to those that have made the move. May you see some green.

Excepting brief moments the MB has been quiet for about a month...

Not too many folks making moves. The head fake I think we faced was that the market seemed flat in August, but equities actually had a nice gain.

I don't think this is an 'all in' or an 'all out' market.
Kind of interesting how quiet the group has been this morning. Somethings up. ;)

I agree with you NASA, I haven't posted this past week just because I have busy taking care of other things...hope everyone has a good and safe Labor Day weekend.
Really debated yesterday whether to pull the trigger. With todays uptick it might of been a good move. Even today I just couldn't talk myself into jumping into the pond with both feet instead of dipping my toes in the water. It just feels like a head fake. Might miss out on some nice profit, but that is what happens some times. Good luck to those that have made the move. May you see some green.

I'm right there with ya buddy. Although I want to jump in (really bad) I want to wait to see what direction the market picks after Labor Day when the "supposed" fat cat traders come back.
With the market being what it is I have not been paying attention to the FRTIB web page lately. With that said here is the link for the July meeting minutes. There is some interesting reading in the minutes; BGI/Blockrock merger, IT modernization update and Vendor assessments. The other thing that I found interesting is that there has been no press releases for 2009. MMMMMM!!!!!!!
Some very prominent members have made a move into the market the last two days. Nice to see SS is giving a buy signal.
Really wanted to make a move on the 1st but just thought it was too early in the month. Came oh! so close yesterday but couldn't buy into a 1%+ day. Then today is topping yesterday.
The big money would be nice but for the moment I will be happy with my nickel/dime program (78,6,5,5,6) and 2 IFT's still in my pocket.
JTH and fabijo have put up some nice charts today. Thanks guys.
Hope for an entry point tomorrow or Friday. If not I will continue a slow but steady climb out of the hole. 5 trading days for the month and I am sitting at .54% for the month in my real account. If I can add that every week it will be a good month with just my toes in the water. :D
Good luck everybody.
Jumped into the water today - FCSI 5,20,35,40. Kept 5% in the F just so I have an entry point later for the <1% option. Now it will get interesting.:D:D