nasa1974's Account Talk

Can you re-state your rules for the <1% moves? I assume that money was being moved out of G into CSI to buy more shares on down days.

Is that right?
Can you re-state your rules for the <1% moves? I assume that money was being moved out of G into CSI to buy more shares on down days.

Is that right?


Below are two links from the <1% Option Account. They should help explain the process. You are correct. I was moving money (or shares) out of the G fund to purchase shares in the FCSI funds. Remember, you have to adjust all the funds that you are invested in.
Just want to say HAPPY 4th of JULY to everyone.

Enjoy the holiday weekend and be careful. No fireworks accidents.:D
Went to my TSP account to see what everyone else is talking about. Yep they tell you right at the bottom how much you have made or lost over the last 12 months. Anyone else feel like that is a slap in the face. I know how I am doing over the last 12 months. They do not have to rub it in and say "ha ha ha and you only have 2 IFT's imagine what you would have lost (or made) if we didn't limit you to only 2 IFT's a month". Gee thanks, tell me what I don't know.

OK, OK I might be over reacting a little.:D

Medic congrats on your positive numbers. I am negative as much as you are positive.:sick:
OK, OK I might be over reacting a little.:D

You're not over reacting at all.

I felt the same way - the bastards - how dare they :o:sick:

Poor Medic - ya gotta feel for him :rolleyes:

In all sincereity - I deeply appreciate this SITE bringing everyone to Zero on the AT and letting us more forward ...

forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.
To everybody that was in the market yesterday, nice profit. For those that have not made the move good for you too. You might not have added to your account yesterday, but you haven't lost a ton either. :D
Two more days like yesterday and I will be out of the hole for the month.:nuts:
I sure wish my crystal ball wasn't in the shop. :rolleyes:

Have a great day everyone.
I should go surfing for this information but I am a bit lazy today. :D Has anyone heard if the sale of BGI to Black Rock was finalized????:confused:
I went into protect mode. I haven't been 100% G since April 27th. I have one IFT left for the month. So I still have one roll left in this crap game. :D Not to jinx anything, but if the market stays above 2% for the day I will even out for the month. GL everyone.
Well sitting in G and ready to nickel and dime my account for a few days. :D Yesterday jumped me into positive territory for the month and I am one good day away from going positive for the year. :nuts: That leaves me 5 and a half months to make it happen. :laugh:
Well sitting in G and ready to nickel and dime my account for a few days. :D Yesterday jumped me into positive territory for the month and I am one good day away from going positive for the year. :nuts: That leaves me 5 and a half months to make it happen. :laugh:

That was a great rally to be exposed to. I'm not surprised at all that the H&S pattern was a bear trap. And it came out of nowhere, so one would have had to embrace risk to take advantage. That one would have been worth spending an IFT on. :)
This is from

Facelift of TSP Web site stays on schedule
By Alex M. Parker July 20, 2009

"Thrift Savings Plan officials on Monday said they are on track to debut a more user-friendly Web site in 2010, following a trial run this fall.
A beta version of the redesigned Web site will be available in the fall to a random sample of participants who log on to the current site, officials said during the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board's monthly meeting. TSP Director Gregory Long expects to have the upgraded version online in the first quarter of 2010, depending on comments from users.

The redesigned site will include a section to guide TSP participants through life-changing events such as relocation or marriage. The site also will offer enhanced access to individual account profiles and a revamped retirement calculator, according to TSP administrators..........."
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FRTIB still hasn't posted the May meeting minutes. I will post the link when they do. Still can not figure out why it takes almost two months to post meeting minutes.
What is seriously going on with the market?????? Yesterday and today it just cannot make up it's ... (insert appropriate word) mind. This sure is messing with my <1% spreadsheet. :mad: :mad: GGGRRRRRRRRRR!!! 100% G and waiting for a good jump in position. :nuts:
Well on the 15th I went 100% G and do not regreat the move. I was close to getting back into the green in my real account and wanted to lock in the earlier profits. I just didn't feel comfortable about this week so I jumped. In the past I haven't gone conservative soon enough to lock in the profits and got burned bad. I honestly thought the market was going to correct itself this week and was going to look for a nice entry point. Shock and awe. I missed out on a 5% gain this week by not being a player. :( But I still have no regrets. I still have a free ride ticket, so now I am debating whether to jump in today and hope for a continuing rally next week. :confused: :confused: Dang 2 IFT's.
Well I jumped back into the game, 25,40,35 - CSI. So that means that today will end up on the positive side and I bought into strenght. Then, Monday the bottom will drop out of the market. :rolleyes:
Posting before noon EST really bites. Market went positive on me. :mad:

Missed out on the rally this week. :embarrest: Now that I am in I hope we do not see a 5% correction. :sick: Come on Birch keep me thinking positive thought here......:cheesy: