nasa1974's Account Talk

I don't expect it to happen, but if the "S" fund can close out the last two days of the month like today it might almost finish positive. :banana:
September, not a good month for my TSP. 2022 not a good year for my TSP. Anyway, here are the numbers for October. Sorry I should have posted this sooner.


Just talked with my financial advisor this morning and he was using the R word for 2023. Wants me to get into some short-term bonds for a little bit and then look at some long-term bond's middle of 2023.
Working on number two.
Next October will be 40 Years total with the Army. It was a goal but I believe I'll step out before then.

Age and patience should not be used in the same sentence. :smile:
Well, we have started October with a big surprise.
But does tomorrow bring a drop the mic moment?
Sorry, should have posted this sooner. Been a little distracted lately.
Here are the November numbers. Except for last year the "C" & "S" funds had a good positive streak going since 2012.

