The market in 2020 has been pretty unpredictable. The first 3 months destroyed accounts, especially for those that tried to ride it out (me). Even with all the bad news the market really turned into a roller coaster ride. Do I get in, do I get out? Then the market started to go higher and higher and higher. Now what do I do? Will it stay bullish, will the bears take over and we see a big correction. Why is the market doing what it is doing, the news is horrible.
For me I started the year 50/50 C/S. Then mid March as the virus started I went 50/50 F/C and my account fell to a -31.17%. So far for the year I have recovered nicely. I went back to 100% S in April and have stayed there, with a minor jump to G in early December. As of today I am sitting at a plus 33.38% for the year. Trust me there is no genius in this it is all luck. A 33% plus addition to your account is good any year. But I ran some other numbers for my account that surprised me. I really haven't paid attention to my low point back in March but was happy that I was seeing some positive gain now that we are getting close to the end of the year. So I ran some numbers using my low point on March 23rd to today and it shocked me. From March 23rd to today my account has gained 93.77%. Like I said it's all been luck.
Good luck everyone and I hope we all have a good 2021.