nasa1974's Account Talk

I haven't decided what to do yet, but leaning to staying 100% "S" today and making a move tomorrow because of the long weekend.
The obvious answer to your question is, people are easily led astray, willingly almost, to keep the status quo.

I like the idea of a strong stock market but that doesn't really relate to a strong economy right now. Too many people still out of work. Plus a strong market helps your larger companies to reinvest and increase employees, but doesn't necessarily relate to bars and restaurants. So in our current environment a strong market is not a strong economy and I'm not sure why certain people are using that analogy?
Ok, So I would like to say congrats to coolhand and bquat. Both have over a million views. But the member with the most posts is running a distant fourth. A past member holds the number one spot for the most views and that is Birchtree. I miss BT.

I did a quick survey so maybe I missed someone. Anyway here are the numbers.

Birchtree is number one with 1,781,098 views

bquat has 1,091,436 views with 10,003 posts.

coolhand has 1,005,410 views with 6,419 posts.

nnuut has 846,853 views with 62,986 posts.
Oil Slick Stuff smileyrolling.gif

Started by nnuut, 02-18-2006 10:39 AM 123...506

  • Replies: 15,152
  • Views: 1,229,844
I don't do much in my Member's Account Talk, unless I make an IFT!! 16 years is a long time, but I love it!!! And--- thank you for all you do.:D
Still sitting in the "S" fund. It looks like I might make up half the loss from Friday. Still over an hour to go so anything can happen. Sticky pants deployed as a precaution.