nasa1974's Account Talk

Good thing I put on a new pair of sticky pants yesterday. What a crazy ride. Finally got my voice back. :rolleyes: Still a long way to go for the month to break to the positive side. Good luck everyone.
Good thing I put on a new pair of sticky pants yesterday. What a crazy ride. Finally got my voice back. :rolleyes: Still a long way to go for the month to break to the positive side. Good luck everyone.

I knew there was something sticky in my pants just not sure what. LOL should I keep them on or change quickly!
Well I'll finish this month on the negative side. Still looking good for the year.

Still haven't made up my mind what I want to do. Do I stay in the "S" fund or take a leap over to the "I" fund. The "I" fund has done very well the last 5 years in the month of April and very good for 8 out of the last 10. The 3 months leading up to April has been sporadic as far as profits and losses over the last few years. What to do, What to do?

Senate Panel Advances Budget Resolution Over Democratic Objections

By Erich Wagner March 28, 2019

"In President Trump’s fiscal 2020 budget request, the White House outlined a number of proposed changes to federal employees’ retirement benefits. Those plans included:

  • Require federal workers to contribute about 6 percent more to FERS, phased in over the next six years.
  • Eliminate cost of living adjustments for current and future FERS retirees, and reduce COLAs for Civil Service Retirement System participants by 0.5 percent.
  • Eliminate the early retirement supplement for FERS annuitants under the age of 62.
  • Base annuity calculations on a FERS participant’s highest five years of salary, rather than the current highest three years.
  • Cut the interest rate of the Thrift Savings Plan’s government securities (G) fund, likely by basing it on the four-week U.S. Treasury bill."
Well I'll finish this month on the negative side. Still looking good for the year.

Still haven't made up my mind what I want to do. Do I stay in the "S" fund or take a leap over to the "I" fund. The "I" fund has done very well the last 5 years in the month of April and very good for 8 out of the last 10. The 3 months leading up to April has been sporadic as far as profits and losses over the last few years. What to do, What to do?

Go to the "I" - you can do it

Remarkable image of black hole released in astrophysics breakthrough

By Will Dunham
Remarkable image of black hole released in astrophysics breakthrough
Yesterday made it tough to want to stay in the "I" fund after watching the "S" fund have a great day. I really can't complain though, I am making money and not that much difference if I had stayed in the "S" fund. I will jump back into the "S" fund by the end of the month. May has not been a good month for the "I" fund. I have attached the May numbers.

View attachment May.xlsx
So looking at the April returns I decided to jump from 100% "S" fund to 100% "I" because since 2012 it has outperformed both the "C" & "S" funds. Now we have one more day for the month and to be honest the "I" fund has done well at 2.63% so it is right on target for what it has done over the last 7 years. So I'm not disappointed except for the fact that both the "C" & "S" went above their norm since 2012 by at least 2%. So far "C" fund is at 3.95% and the "S" fund is at 3.91%. The last time that the "C" fund performed this well or better in April was 2007 to 2009 and for the "S" fund 2008 to 2010.
Since 2013 May has been ok for both the "C" & "S" funds not real good for the "I" fund. So I am planning on getting out of the "I" fund today, just not sure if I'm going to do a 50/50 "C" & "S" or go into "S" only. I have 5 hours to make up my mind. This will leave me 2 IFT's for May in case thing go south.
Good luck everyone.
Some people think TARIFF'S are good for America. From my vantage point, tariff's suck and is KICKING my TSP butt. ;damnit