nasa1974's Account Talk

Another .5% and I will be back at my 2018 starting numbers. Of course once I get there what is my next move? Stay put or go to the lily pad. Dang it!!!!
Well my next target would be to get to where the G Fund would have taken me over those 13+ months. But that's just me and my idea of a break even point. Your targets may be loftier.
Well we had a good week last week. Finally went above my 2018 beginning balance. I need another 6.7% to reach my 2018 high point. If it takes a few months to do that I'm that's ok. Sure don't want to get greedy.
Well February finished on the down side but still was positive for the month. The week ended on a good note and hopefully a good start for the month of March.

I hope everyone is safe after the storms this weekend.
What a ride yesterday. I'm glad I left my sticky pants on. Darn near got tossed out of the coaster.

Lets hope today will be a little better ride.
Dang, yesterday hurt. Gotta hope for a little recover. I don't want to grab an extra pair of sticky pants then I'm really in trouble.
Well March started strong but has given everything back I earned the last half of February. Back to my 2018 starting point. That's frustrating. Let's hope we see some green today so we don't completely tank the week. Last Friday I was at 18% YTD and as of yesterday 13.95%. That's a tough week giving back just over 4% in 4 days.

Good luck everyone.
Half way through the month the "C" and "I" funds are doing good while the "S" fund is struggling. Attached is information for the month of April. All 3 funds have done well in April but the "I" fund has done very well. Might have to think about making a move.

Good luck everyone.

View attachment April.xlsx
I fund looks very appealing for April. Just wondering about Brexit though. Hope it doesn't ruin the party...:rolleyes:

That is the tough one to call. Brexit has been in the news all year and the "I" fund has done alright so far and April statistically has been a strong month for the "I" fund.
This was an e-mail we received and I thought it interesting to pass I along.

The April 2019 Global Positioning System (GPS)Week Number Rollover

Cyber-Hazard: GPS TimeSync Off
Cause: April sees the GPS network gothrough a mini "millennium bug" of its own because the week numberwill roll back to a zero.
Effect: The rollover date my shift GPS devices back to January 6, 1980, orpossibly some other incorrect date potential effecting data log time errors,position inaccuracies, etc.
· OnApril 6, 2019, there will be an event affecting the electric transmission anddistribution system that has industry concerned about the potential for a majordisruption. During the Week Number rollover of the GlobalPositioning System (GPS), the week number that uses the 10-bitbinary system will reach its limit of 1,024 weeks and will be forced to rollover and be reset to week 0.
· While most modern GPS receivers shouldn't beaffected by this (devices that conform to IS-GPS-200 and provides UTC will befine), testing carried out by the US Department for Homeland Security (DHS)showed that there is a possibility that some may be impacted.
1. investigate and understand their possibledependencies on GPS for obtaining UTC;
2. contact the GPS manufacturers of devices theyuse to obtain UTC;
3. understand the manufacturers' preparedness forthe rollover;
4. understand actions required by CI and otherowners and operators to ensure proper operation through the rollover, and
5. ensure that the firmware of such devices is upto date
