MrJohnRoss' Account Talk

Unless I am looking at the wrong chart, it looks like the MOSI is even more negative and sloping downward at a steeper rate. I was just wondering what you thought about it?

Yesterday's McClellan Oscillator level (+18) for the S&P 500 was the first positive reading since early this month. The MOSI moved higher, but I like to use a 5 DMA as a trigger, which it hasn't crossed yet.
Updated graph of the MOSI for the S&P 500:

S&P MOSI.jpg

The McClellan Oscillator turned negative, so the Summation Index moved lower. Because it hasn't crossed the 5 DMA, it hasn't created a "buy" signal yet.

Despite this, I've moved to a "fully invested" position in my 401k and IRA accounts. I won't mention my holdings, since some people take offense to my posting them here. Yeah. Even though it's my thread.

I've considered leaving, but that would just make this person happy, so I'll stay. I believe I have more supporters than nay-sayers, but if I've offended anyone, please let me know.

Been too busy to post much, and haven't felt up to it, so that's all for now.
Updated graph of the MOSI for the S&P 500:

View attachment 33015

The McClellan Oscillator turned negative, so the Summation Index moved lower. Because it hasn't crossed the 5 DMA, it hasn't created a "buy" signal yet.

Despite this, I've moved to a "fully invested" position in my 401k and IRA accounts. I won't mention my holdings, since some people take offense to my posting them here. Yeah. Even though it's my thread.

I've considered leaving, but that would just make this person happy, so I'll stay. I believe I have more supporters than nay-sayers, but if I've offended anyone, please let me know.

Been too busy to post much, and haven't felt up to it, so that's all for now.


Thanks for your work. Stay here. You are welcomed by most members. You have to grow a thick skin, and not to pay attention to absurd detractors. Thus far you have remained patient and courteous. Perhaps it might be time to show your middle finger, as gross as this might sound. Keep up the good work!
I really appreciate your input. You give sound and well reasoned opinions that I find valuable so I hope you hang in there and continue to share and communicate.

Thanks again!
Updated graph of the MOSI for the S&P 500:

View attachment 33015

The McClellan Oscillator turned negative, so the Summation Index moved lower. Because it hasn't crossed the 5 DMA, it hasn't created a "buy" signal yet.

Despite this, I've moved to a "fully invested" position in my 401k and IRA accounts. I won't mention my holdings, since some people take offense to my posting them here. Yeah. Even though it's my thread.

I've considered leaving, but that would just make this person happy, so I'll stay. I believe I have more supporters than nay-sayers, but if I've offended anyone, please let me know.

Been too busy to post much, and haven't felt up to it, so that's all for now.

I always read your posts. I was just trying to make sure I understand. Keep those posts coming please.
I won't mention my holdings, since some people take offense to my posting them here. Yeah. Even though it's my thread.

I've considered leaving, but that would just make this person happy, so I'll stay. I believe I have more supporters than nay-sayers, but if I've offended anyone, please let me know.

My motto is, SCREW'EM!
MJR, Thank you for staying around and continuing to post. I DO appreciate your input. I'm sorry you've had crosswise encounters with others who do not.

Please be aware that on forums such as these it is too easy for people to misunderstand or to become offended. I've repeatedly run into that on Faith Based sites all over the net. It's happened to me even from other members who believe as I do. There's no getting away from it. In this medium it's too easy to find offence if you are looking for it, and you can't control what others think you mean. That's why I try to let things roll off my back these days and why I stay out of the political threads here.

Tom does a great job of managing egos on this site and I'm grateful for that. Keep up the good work.

To expand on Cactus's comment, please remember (everyone should know this but people tend to assume otherwise) that the written word is the easiest to misinterpret. This is usually because people place their own interpretation on anothers words. This means that when a person is in a bad mood (or just a negative person) they will place that negative emotion into whatever they read, no matter how well intentioned it was. It is much harder to do this when speaking over the phone and even harder when meeting in person. This is why, while I enjoy this forum of exchanging information, I treat it as any other social media site and try to minimize posts which could make people angry. Part of what I do is never to post on peoples threads that I disagree with their points of view. In pure defense of you, if people don't like your posts, or when you post, they should just stay away from your thread. That being said, Tom does do a great job policing this site and keeping the waters calm for everyone so I do not think you should take his steps to keep things calm personally.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!
i must have missed something but I don't know how since I read your thread all the time. I find your comments on point and informative and realize they are your personal situation and may not be mine. Whatever it is that is bothering some I personally don't let that bother me. You have always been very professional in your attitude and comments , keep up the good work.

Please do not let the opinions of a few discourage you from posting. You add a lot to this forum and if you decided to leave, we would all be the worst for it. I myself and I am sure many others enjoy your posts and value your market perspective. Hang in there buddy. You have more supporters than naysayers. :smile:
I'm not sure why we're reliving the drama from two weeks ago.

MrJohnRoss' Account Talk

Please, let's move on. Thank you.

Now, if someone can push the dollar higher for me it would help. My gold short is getting killed this morning. :1244:

Please do not let the opinions of a few discourage you from posting. You add a lot to this forum and if you decided to leave, we would all be the worst for it. I myself and I am sure many others enjoy your posts and value your market perspective. Hang in there buddy. You have more supporters than naysayers. :smile:

Here Here...
A late day surge could give the S&P 500 a fresh set of 52-week highs...

View attachment 33021

I'm sure you (and everyone else) noticed this, but I thought it was interesting... the last eight trading days have traded like a staircase: up, down, up, down, up, down...

This, of course, means that since today is an up day, Monday will be a down day. <=== :hypnotized: