MrJohnRoss' Account Talk

Updated graph of the S&P 500. You know, if this keeps up, I have the perfect strategy...

Buy when it reaches the bottom of the box. Sell when it reaches the top of the box.

I think even a 3rd grader could figger that one out. :toung:

Updated graph of the 60 minute S&P 500. Since this is groundhog day, let's repeat this lesson again... (heh heh heh) :nuts:

Updated 60 minute graph of the S&P 500. According to our 3rd grade logic, when the S&P goes up 14 more points, hit the sell button.


(Wouldn't it be weird if it actually happened?) :eek: :eek:
Interesting to finally see three (count 'em, three) people in the top 20 on the AutoTracker finally going all in the I Fund. Good thing we've been keeping it a secret. Shhhh.

It was a strong day for all the stock funds, but the combination of good market performance, and a slip in the strength in the dollar helped the I Fund win today's race.

The relative strength graphs of C vs I, and S vs I show that the I Fund is still in the drivers seat.

Even Chief Buy'nhold is making good progress this year with his 80% I Fund allocation. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Heh. *snort*

(Just ribbin' ya, Chief.)
Great move leading into I Fund.

I finally was able to go in today 36% G 22% C 22% S and 22 %I. More or less than 22% could possibly and potentially not have worked well and any more than 36% G could have resulted in disaster. :laugh:

Hopefully we continue up!
Been enjoying "power hour" the last couple days :banana:

shoot, spoke too soon. literally slid right after i posted, the man is out to get me :suspicious:
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Updated 60 minute graph of the S&P 500. See commentary below.


Another roller coaster of a day for the markets, up and down and round and round. Was actually surprised to see the I Fund outperform C and S today. It lost less, only 18 bp vs 39 and 36 respectively.

Looks to me like the gas pedal and tachometer are rolling over here. If I had to guess, I'd say tomorrow will take us back down again. It's been an absolutely schizoid market; just can't make up it's mind if it's going to go up or down.

Eventually we're going to break out of the box with conviction, and a solid close one way or the other. Let's hope it's to the upside.
If the day follows the futures (up) we'll be at the top of the box... then what!?? Do we stay in the box or break out?
I realize it's early, and a lot can happen between now and when the bell rings, but I'm impressed with this stock rally. Let's see what happens at 2064 on the S&P, and how the market closes. That will say a lot.
I agree. Despite the last 20 minutes of panic yesterday the day was positive despite the decrease in oil and a bounce back today looks really promising.