It's not a bad idea to lighten your exposure. I took some off the table in my other accounts for a nice, quick, 10% gain. Still holding mostly aggressive, and still 100% S Fund in the TSP. I'll only move that money when my signals tell me to. Until then, I'm going to enjoy this rocket ship ride for a while, still knowing that the day will come to pull my ejection handle.
If you eject too soon, you might kick yourself later. It's a personal decision, and if you worry too much about volatility, maybe it's worth it if it helps you sleep better at night.
Heck, even Birch sleeps at night when the market tanks. (Not sure he doesn't have nightmares tho).
Good luck!
You're right and I stayed in. I have some crazy thinking in my head as far as how I can continue taking the risk due to the large gains I've already had. Unless the market goes crazy and takes 6% away in one day at least I will have time to react to something negative happening. I will lose a little that day, but if I would of bailed a week ago I would not have gained as much as I have.