Az -Time will tell? You're too kind to them, especially Tom. It has been blatently obvious the webmaster doesn't have a clue what the market is going to do next. Granted, that's only an insult in-so-much as he thinks that he knows what will happen. I dont know either. The difference is I know that i dont know. What's ironic is that in my humility, i'm probably beating 90% of the folks that hang out here.
Actually, I think Tom is on to something, just not in the way he thinks. I still stop by day-to-day waiting for his eventual switch to stocks. That's the day i'm going to strongly consider moving out of stocks and into G/F. The saddest part is i'm completely serious. My theory's based on a sort of reverse psychology from Tom's sentiment survey, and it goes something like this; maybe the "dumb money" guys are so dumb, they're actually picking the right way to go by some sort of accident. A double syke, if you will.
Its unfortunate a pioneer TSP site didn't focus on just getting out of G, and supporting smart asset allocation. I am surprised the site remains up. I would have suspected the folks at would have had this site down by now, given the harmfulness associated with market timing.
There are so many things you naysayers fail to say, see, or understand. I'll list a few:
- The past couple of years have been a struggle for the active trading account but the timing of the long-term less active account has been very accurate with that account up about 26% in 2005/2006 so far. If you remember I called the bottom in June this year. Can you beat that? Do you even post your allocation here to help others?
- The active account has suffered recently for many reasons. I actually did better when I was more active. Not that more activity would bring higher returns but I had to change my style, adjusting to accommodate the 11,000 people who want to be alerted when I make a move. Try trading and having a dozen or more people complain every time because they did not get their email in time, or they were whipsawed because I moved 2 days in a row, and they missed one. I am handicapped in a few ways but I realize I put myself in this position. I can see I will have to compromise and make changes somewhere because it is getting too difficult to please all of the people, all of the time. You have to realize that there are people from 20 years old to 70+ years old on that list. I couldn't just sit in 100% I fund riding the rally knowing it was possible there could be a large swoop to the downside at any time. How responsible would that be?
- You think the site should be shut down? The only reason you are able to give your input is because of this site. Whether I am helping or not, this site is not about my return but rather it provides a forum for people to discuss what may be best for them. You never once acknowledged that in the almost three years you’ve been stopping by. I don't spend my time going around dogging everything I don't agree with. I am pro-active and created a site with a vision knowing possibly half of the TSP participants were ignorant when it came to investing. If all it does is help people that they would rather be a buy and hold investor rather than an active trader, than I did my job. Some didn't know one fund from the next before they came here.
I hate to see people lose money but I think the only way you guys will ever come off of your high horse is to see the market get pummeled. All your arguments are short-term observations and the buy and hold strategy has paid off since 2003. If I had the foresight to start this website in 1999 I would have saved a lot of people some money as the buy and holders got crushed. So please - stop wasting our time dogging the site. I’m guessing you don’t see the good in much of anything in life.
Oh, yeah, and I beat the S&P 500 by 22% from 2000 to 2005.