Occam's Razor
By Jove, I think you’ve found it.
Too bad ‘it’ implies one example. You could post example after example of straight line incompetence.
Anyway, the obvious demonstration of incompetence is the gobmint flak’s inability to categorically state that she has ‘some’ knowledge of where some of the nine trillion or so went. Being that she is the spokesLOP (LOP = Low Output Person) for the FED the implication is that nine trillion dollars is rounding error or something. The FED IG needs to directly look into something so small as that to actually get a feel for it. They have bigger fish to fry. Give them another year or so to study the issue!
On the other hand, the CongressCritter could be the moron – or, maybe is the moron. Maybe the FED Flak doesn’t want to give a list of banks and financial institutions to an ignorant CongressCritter. These critters live for the day, forget the past, and have no idea of the future. Maybe she is concerned that said Critter will open his yak and destroy a bank, a recovering financial entity, or the entire financial sector. It has been done before!!!
My money is on the second example. Nobody could completely lose nine trillion, however Congress could completely and easily blow whatever stabilization that funding has provided by their posturing and ignorance.
I hope to god it ain’t the former.