mojo's Account Talk

"Thus, blowing the dollar doesn’t require the Illuminati – it just requires Jimmy Carter II. :p"

What is the Iluminati?

I was referring to the banking oligarchy that is in plain site for all to see. "they"
Oligarchies and Conspiracies...

The Illuminati:
In modern times it is also used to refer to a purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy "power behind the throne", allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations, usually as a modern incarnation or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati. In this context, Illuminati is often used in reference to a New World Order (NWO). Many conspiracy theorists believe the Illuminati are the masterminds behind events that will lead to the establishment of such a New World Order.

Maybe Carlyle Capital Group would be a better example. President Bush Sr. and James Baker are members. But, then again, the Carlyle Capital went bankrupt in 2008 - they didn't survive their investements in mortgage backed securities.

So, yes, the bankrupt Carlyle Capital might be the oligarchy you are talking about. Those folks probably have lots of time to meet in the shadows of the Papal palace or whatever:toung:

Really, Mojo, all we need is another President Jimmy Carter to mess with our capitalist system enough to cause stagflation. Jimmy caused a significant amout of damage even before the Carlyle Group was formed!
Check out the membership both past and present of organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, Center for Foreign Relations and the Bilderbergs.

And of course, there is the Federal Reserve......

Why couldn't there in fact be a big conspiracy going on?
Dollar Crisis Looming — Don't Short the Market: Jim Rogers

A currency crisis is imminent, so investors should avoid shorting the market, said Jim Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings.

"I’m afraid they're printing so much money that stocks could go to 20,000 or 30,000," Rogers said. "Of course it would be in worthless money, but it could happen and you could lose a lot of money being short."

So I guess the market could possibly continue to soar on an increasingly worthless dollar. There is no safe place to save these days and that's the way they like it. Pick your poison.

That the one I posted too...great mind think alike:D
That the one I posted too...great mind think alike:D

It's an idea I didn't really considered at the beginning of the year but it looks like it is a real possiblity at this point. Jim Rogers is a very smart guy and I think the fact that he is an expatriot gives him a perspective that many living in the USA are unwilling to face.

I see the money moving into commodities and hard assets as the dollar continues to drop through the end of this year. I think we will have deflation in unecessary items and high inflation in necessities as seems to be happening now.

I believe the corrupt bankers (Goldman, Morgan etc.) and politicians are lossing control of all the balls they are juggling but who knows they could be the WWE wrestler smacking a midget around and laughing.

I still think gold will reach $1500+ this year, silver 20+.

Take care :)
Bernanke’s next parlor trick

Federal Reserve boss Ben Bernanke is getting ready to pull another rabbit out of his hat and he’s hoping no one figures out what he’s up to. Here’s the scoop; the Fed chief needs to “borrow up to $3.25 trillion in the fiscal year ending Sept. 30” (Bloomberg) without triggering a run on the dollar.

But how? If the stock market keeps surging, investors will turn their backs on low-yielding US Treasuries and move into riskier securities hoping for better returns. The only way to attract more buyers to US debt is by raising interest rates which will kill the “green shoots” of recovery and make it harder for people to buy homes and cars. It’s a conundrum.
Someone here has probably already posted this but if not...

Jul 31 2009, 1:15 pm by Daniel Indiviglio
Mark-To-Market Is Back: With A Vengeance!

Attention: This may be the single most important piece of news regarding the financial industry you will read this week. Maybe for the whole month. Maybe for the whole year. Okay I'll stop being melodramatic and get right to it. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is in the process of making banks very unhappy. In a complete reversal from their revised policy released in April, it is considering vastly tightening mark-to-market requirements to include virtually all securities on a bank's balance sheet. Yes, it even wants the very, very illiquid stuff marked-to-market.
mojo, you had your mojo on today, beat Coolhand to the punch/post. Nice catch! If they follow through on this and aren't just blowing smoke, it will likely turn the world upside down, just about literally. Will they have the nerve? we'll see. If they do....batten down the hatches, boys. things are going to get a whole lot rougher a whole lot faster, but maybe for the better-once we can see the outcome way back behind us in the rearview mirror.
The Fed bought 40% of the new debt. How long can this go on.
Operation 1 - RESULTS
Operation Date: 07/30/2009
mojo, you had your mojo on today, beat Coolhand to the punch/post. Nice catch! If they follow through on this and aren't just blowing smoke, it will likely turn the world upside down, just about literally. Will they have the nerve? we'll see. If they do....batten down the hatches, boys. things are going to get a whole lot rougher a whole lot faster, but maybe for the better-once we can see the outcome way back behind us in the rearview mirror.

I somehow don't believe they will follow through. The culture of lying is to deep.

Seems like the alltime biggest pump and dump scheme ever if they follow through.
"In the table below showing the Household data (source) we can see that the way in which the rate of unemployment dropped from 9.5% to 9.4% was almost entirely due to the fact that 637,000 people were dropped from the labor force and not from an increase in employment.

If we leave these 637,000 people in the labor force then the rate of unemployment would have increased from 9.5% to 9.8%. What's the difference between unemployment slipping to 9.4% rather than increasing to 9.8%?"
mojo;227231 What's the difference between unemployment slipping to 9.4% rather than increasing to 9.8%?" [URL said:[/URL]

9.4% sounds better to the government and the media spinmasters. Unemployment is the recession is over :nuts:......Not
No not at all. After hitting send, i thought what I said might be a bit cryptic.

What I'm saying is I'm agreeing with the idea that while there is a turd underlying the data for unemployment, so what.... Price pays and the market is moving up regardless. I'll take it....just reminding myself and anyone else looking to not fall in love with upside...
I have to remind myself that layoffs however ugly are done to protect assets. Some times it is the only way for the company to survive. As an investor I want the company to survive. As an employee survival is not rated as high until it's to late.
Part of this recovery and the current uptrend is because of the layoffs.

The biggest question: Are companies getting healthier (will they recover and rehire) or are they staving off the enevitible (Will end up downsizing permenantly as a result)
I have to remind myself that layoffs however ugly are done to protect assets. Some times it is the only way for the company to survive. As an investor I want the company to survive. As an employee survival is not rated as high until it's to late.
Part of this recovery and the current uptrend is because of the layoffs.

The biggest question: Are companies getting healthier (will they recover and rehire) or are they staving off the enevitible (Will end up downsizing permenantly as a result)

Our fearless Congress and President are still on the Golden Goose Shooting Range. To them, a healthy company is just a bigger, fatter target. Easier to hit.

While it appears that their guns got some mud in them, they still might shoot something valuable:nuts:

I have never been an investor during a time when investing is met with as much antagonism as it is now by our gubmint...
On Those Unemployment Numbers...


If you change the standard factors that underlie a statistic you can change it anyway you want. You have to have stable formulas to compare results. That is why this argument is rather weak. After hearing that the Depression era unemployment stats were based on different formulas I can no longer compare our current situation with that one. Apples and oranges…

I tend to agree with you on this topic though.

Would it not be simpler just to count the folks on gubmint unemployment benefits as the unemployed? When they lose their unemployment benefits than one must assume they are not seeking work or are no longer capable of working or are LOPs (Low Output People). Seems rather simple, eh. Just count the outgoing checks…