mlk_man's account talk

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Dell, I'm just going to the I fund for a day. My figuring was that foreign markets might see we didn't continue to fall off the cliff and decide to do some buying tomorrow. Then I'll jump back to the S. Depending on how we end up today of course...........:D
Not much going on tomorrow so I guess we have to root for DELL to have a good earnings report tonight. They are about due for a bounce ...............
I moved Dell's post from your account allocation to your account talk, but for the life of me, i don't know where it went...;-(
It's here Py, it's right before my comment to him. Thanks!! It's nice to know someone is working...........:p

Well, looks like I owe someone a nickel.............:mad:
Futures up early, will they hold today? Oh that's right, I'm in the I fund today and the dollar is up...................

I'm starting to miss Greenspan already...........................
Well, I haven't actually been picking my fund allocations very well lately. I'm just gonna sit in the I fund for another day...........:nuts:
mlk_man said:
Dear Mr. M_M,

How about 12:30pm, I have a "lunch" appt. with Maria at 2pm?


Dear Bernie,

Okay that's fine. Just make you check again at 3pm. We may need an extra little boost.

Oh, and do me favor, DON"T TELL HER ANYTHING THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!

Dear Bernie, HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man that I fund is gonna leave a mark today.

Damn I fund!!! Now I'm like Show-me, should I stay or should I go now...........:confused:
Going 50% S and 50% I................:rolleyes:

Thanks Fundsurfer, I forgot all about that iggy button. Is there a limit on how many times you can use it....................:p
I wonder if it helps to put the same name in several times for the ignore button?

Yep, I-fund gonna leave a mark today for sure. At least the dollar is dropping and Wheels still thinks the fund "owes 15-20 cent" which you might get today. Might not be that bad.
Most likely I'll be getting a system generated buy signal tonight so I'm going to move out of stocks some in hopes of buying lower tomorrow. Keeping half in the I fund in case they do some adjustment tonight. Plus Japan should join in the rally tomorrow........hopefully..............:worried:

Happy returns,

I'm guessing that you figure there will be some real chop over the next couple days [likely, I'd say]. Bounce today (you sell), late sellers tommorrow (you buy back lower), bounce again back upward.

Sounds plausible but it also sounds kind of like guessing. If this bounce last two days and then drops, you'll get whiplash instead. This end of day trade stuff makes it very difficult to time these bounces.

Of course, Tom just bought into the market a little more, and with his luck lately it, you could be right.

Just gotta ask one question..... do ya feel lucky....Punk.....

Did I ever mention that I don't believe in luck?
Just playing the numbers FS. I shouldn't be stocks right now according to my system, so I'm just trying to get back on track.

I explained more in the market talk thread. Your right though, it could be another whipsaw. But it might not also..............:confused:

My cyrstal balls don't predict the market................:D
This guy must be related to someone on this board, I'll let you guess who...............:D

Which they would both shut their pie holes..............

11:30 am : Market pulls back slightly as recent commentary from Fed Chairman Bernanke before the Senate Banking Committee renews some uncertainty about the Fed's direction on monetary policy. While another day absent of questionable economic data has allowed investors to refocus on fundamentals and reasonable valuations, Bernanke reminding investors that the May 10 policy statement noted upside inflation risks has stalled early recovery efforts. Bernanke also said he won't make judgments based on stock movements and that his comment to CNBC's Maria Bartiromo was a "lapse in judgment," as he will now confine comments to "regular and formal" arenas.DJ30 +42.11 NASDAQ +18.46 SP500 +7.55 NASDAQ Dec/Adv/Vol 952/1880/784 mln NYSE Dec/Adv/Vol 828/2187/668 mln
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