Decided to stay 100% F. This report comes out Monday and if it improves again, the F fund had a little run up in April so I hope it does again also.
Hoping for the best.
Treasury International Capital 2006 Release Schedule
Released On: 1/18 2/15 3/15 4/17 5/15 6/15 7/18 8/15 9/18 10/17 11/16 12/15 Released For: Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
These Treasury data track the flows of financial instruments into and out of the United States. Instruments tracked include Treasury securities, agency securities, corporate bonds, and corporate equities.
Why Investors Care Why Investors Care?
TIC data have been issued for the past 30 years, but only recently, due to an enormous rise in foreign participation in our markets, have they grabbed the attention of the international financial markets. Although methodologically limited, TIC offers a measure of foreign demand for our debt and assets. Bonds and the dollar are most sensitive to the data, therefore bond and foreign exchange markets are more likely to react to this report than the equity market.
Strong inflows (demand for U.S. securities) are needed to keep downward pressure on interest rates. Strong inflows also underpin the value of the dollar since foreigners must purchase dollars in order to buy our securities. A strong dollar helps to maintain stability in all U.S. financial markets. Since foreign ownership of U.S. equities is comparatively small, the equity market is less concerned about this report.