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I feel the same way.People generally do not like their time wasted when their posts are deleted with unclear, unpredictible reasons. I'll have to admit that I'm a little less inclined to invest my time here for fear of it vapourising.
WOuld of been nice to be able to do this, oh well. Futures are up nicely this morning. Most likely I'll be jumping to 100% F this morning and back into stocks tomorrow. Something tells me Friday won't be good. Oh yeah, core CPI...........I'll have to think long and hard about jumping back in next Monday....................:*Well, so far so good. Futures are up this morning. :^
I'm still a bit leery of a possible whip-saw. Most likely we'll see some volitility next week so I might jump in and out selling strength and buying weakness. Ideally I would jump out of the Stoday and back in on Monday. Can't do that though.
Futures are up nicely this morning. Most likely I'll be jumping to 100% F this morning and back into stocks tomorrow.
PS- Please excuse the garbage in my thread. Try as I may to keep it clean, the children just keep messin' it up...........................
I have an idea... Why don't you guys go fight inthe www.ptcrew.comforum (Rolo's website) and come back here to talk TSP?Make no mistake, milkie...Ima still gonna see how far I can make that vein pop outta yer forehead! :u
You wonder why people prefer to remain guests instead of participating. Why bother when some a**hole is just going to attack you or make fun of your moves.
General Terms of Service:Ah...mlk can dish it out but can't take it...runs to daddy to make the boo-boo's go away.
I remember the last board I saw admins delete posts recklessly....everybody left it in favour of another board.
People generally do not like their time wasted when their posts are deleted with unclear, unpredictible reasons. I'll have to admit that I'm a little less inclined to invest my time here for fear of it vapourising.
Make no mistake, milkie...Ima still gonna see how far I can make that vein pop outta yer forehead!
Rolo has spoken, guess I'm gone again.............Rolo wrote:Don't dish it, mlk, and you won't have to worry about it. i.e. Get outta da kitchen. Quote the rules all you want, but have you followed them? Nope...and you have a mod delete the evidence. :? Oh, and how many times have you been banned for not following the rules? Has your behaviour changed?Ah...mlk can dish it out but can't take it...
I won't start it, but I won't put up with it, either is what I meant by the vein-popping remark.
As I said, the rules are not equally applied; one of the consequences of that is that they are not taken seriously and cannot be relied upon.
mlk_man wrote:Oh forgot, it's Rolo. You wonder why people prefer to remain guests instead of participating.
Ummm...that all happened when I wasn't even here for six months...but you seem to be at the center of most of it.
mlk_man wrote:He's just trying to get me banned again.
Only you can get yourself banned again. And again. And again. And again.
mlk_man wrote:psycho's like Rolo.
behehehe...yer the one who's losin' it here...gettin' all Fatal Attraction on me.
tsptalk Do you have moderators over there or is it free speech?
"Another notch in the bedpost of Free Speech" is its byline. The rules: No kiddie porn, no hate-speech, no trolling, no asking a mod to fight your battles. (that last one would get you ridiculed heavily)
So, if mlk didn't run away from everyone pounding him, he would have been banned. Once.
From one admin to another: this is a big deal, Tom, since ptcrew is the site everyone flocked to when everyone in the PT community was fed up with inconsistent/arbitrary moderating; it was the very reason the co-author and I made it.
Can I get on your email list?Rolo has spoken, guess I'm gone again.............o
Haven't been banned yet Greg, hold your horses........mlk_man wrote:Can I get on your email list?Rolo has spoken, guess I'm gone again.............o
Good grief man, let go! She hasn't been here in months (and you were in the middle of that one, too) and you're still whining about it.Wait a minute, Sarah might get jealous so probably not............sorry.
Geez spaf, I can't please everyone!!Please, the bickering needs to stop! Lets give the arguements a rest.
A member can request that their thread be cleaned, it might be double posts, a spat, or whatever. If the request is reasonable, it's up toto the administrator andor moderator's judgement.
If a member gets banned its between that person and the administrator,the reverse is likewise.
PS: M_M, The avatar of the milkman with the 6-pac of milk, I thought was neater!