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jgpalmerdds wrote:
jgpalmerdds wrote:
agreeHey all,
This is Joel. I'll speak for myself on this. Tom is right. I was so fed up with things as far as being attacked, bilittled, etc. that I said I wanted nothing to do with it as long as some people were still around. I stayed away totally for a while and then "visited" a few days and when I saw the happenings of the last couple of days, I decided to come back. I'm not perfect (no holes in my hands) and I don't always say/type the right stuff, but I feel I'm respectful of the financial opinions and comments. Sometimes the passion in my answers is from a bad experience that I have had financially and it may come across wrong, but is only intended as a warning to help others not make the same mistake. I really appreciate the POSITIVE comments and answers to my quetions and I hope to learn from all of you as I try to offer what I can. Thanks to Tom and everyone for the sight. Lets keep it CLEAN (quit the sexual references, people) and let's help each other. Thanks, and I'm off my soap box. It's good to be back in a SAFE envrioment. Let's keep it that way.