mlk_man's account talk

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mlk_man wrote:
Apparently I'm egging MT into his crudeness. Sorry all, just don't like seeing someone who contradicts trying to lure people into his hedge fund.

I'll take my ball and go home. Who knows maybe I will start that newsletter. I might even start my own TSP site with actual posting rules............

Good luck all,

Forget the site... DO THE MAGAZINE!!!:dude:

A newsletter would be great, Brother.:^
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mlk_man wrote:
Apparently I'm egging MT into his crudeness. Sorry all, just don't like seeing someone who contradicts trying to lure people into his hedge fund.

I'll take my ball and go home. Who knows maybe I will start that newsletter. I might even start my own TSP site with actual posting rules............

Good luck all,

Actually the interaction between you and MT is somewhat entertaining...

Both of you shouldn't take the other one too seriously. Just ignore each other for a bit and let your timely and accurate postings (and earnings) speak for themselves!!!
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I won't embarrass mlk by posting the PM's I get about him. I'm tired of babysitting. So long mlk.
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Safetyguy wrote:
Both of you shouldn't take the other one too seriously. Just ignore each other for a bit and let your timely and accurate postings (and earnings) speak for themselves!!!

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Sorry folks. I had to ban mlk_man.I really hated to do it but the bad days were outnumbering the good days. I feel bad for him. I won't go into all the reasons but it just got to betoo much trouble dealing with him, his paranoia,and his constant run ins with other members - on the board and behind the scenes.

Many of you won't understand. You had to be there. Others were complaining about him, buthe went too far with me this time.

Good luck mm
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You have to do what you feel is best for the board, Tom. But I do have to say this Mlk-Man was delivering. His moves were very interesting and seemed like his system was effective. I'm kind of like Rolo, now I will not know his system and it is a loss to the board.To read the market the way he was the last few months was really something, and if you followed him you made some cool cash.Good Luck to you Mlk-Man!
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I can be quite the narcissist at times, but OY!

I haven't followed him closely (haven't been on much...busy) but I only saw much unnecessary personal trash-talking with little substance (relatively speaking). He was definitely in the liability column for quite a while and part of the reason I haven't been on much...what little time I did have was wasted on wading through his crap...that does me no good. I'd fear for the newbies who aren't so acquainted with the board yet.

M_M had several warnings and continued to act like a putz anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I like the guy and I'll miss him and, having had my own psychological demons toslay,Iwonder why he is that way.
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I'm kind of like Rolo, now I will not know his system and it is a loss to the board

Rolo was being sarcastic. He knew mlk bragged about his system and always thought everyone was trying to steal it. He never would have told you the "secret".
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hehe, that's OK, Tom, I think you know me well enough to speak on my behalf here and to say that I was being sarcasting/facetous/etc. is a pretty darn safe bet! :D

I suddenly remembered: WHERE O WHERE has :dude:<--Frizz B. GONE!?

Yes, I pretty much gathered that M_M was all talk. He may have had SOMEthing, but dunno. (I don't like gossip, but this is kinda relevant.) I seem to remember a lot of after-the-fact trades by him, too, early on. Also, I won't follow numbers/system that I do not know nor at least understand the fundamental premise. You did the right thing and were very patient.
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I agree with you Tom, however, hasn't MT met the same criteria. He actually claimed to be up 350% in his personal account and he has been just as antagonistic.


p.s I say this fully aware that I am the one who called him a liar on this board
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Inflating the numbers wasn't the reason for the banning. It just added to the many other things. I came close to banning MT a while back but I believe he was trying to calm down. MT actually has some interesting insight on the markets. Lately hewas constantly being egged on by mlk. With mlk gone,he has no excuse forbashing or crude posts. Consider this his warning.
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Mike and I had our differences, but we called a truce then began communicating with one another again.

I will miss his input into the board, but I don't hold any grudges against Tom for banning him.

It is his site, and we are but only participants.

God Bless & Happy Christmas!:^
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Sorry you had to ban MM. I liked his comments when he was not bashing MT. You should alsoban MT.MT'snegativity, and contradicting statements,should not be allowed on this board. It festersdiscontent and confusion. MM just did not forget, nor forgive, prior comments made by MT. He just never letit go, even after MT settled down and became more civil. Of course, this is just my opinion based upon following the comments over the past three of four months.
Wishing allthe Happiest of Holidays. Hope we can get along and respect one another
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Just wanted to add my two cents. I guess I have thicker skin than most cause I just ignored stuff that was off humor. I will admit that MilkMan was definitely eggin on MT. MT was making an effor to ignore him but Milk just wouldn't let it go. Now that being said, if Tom wants to ban someone it is his board. I'll just trust that warnings were given prior to the ban occuring and that he made the proper move.

As to milk mans claims, I did check his progress from late June on. He did quite well except for a period in Oct where he did not post much cause he was working on a new system. In that process, I don't think he kept up well with his old system.Even still he did vrey well. His claims of large percentage returns were all claims aboutthe back testing of his new system. He wasn't actually claiming he had made those large returns but rather that back testing of his new system had very good results. We did have a discussion about this and backtesting20 years doesn't guarantee success next year. I was actually looking forward to seeing him move a while longer to determine if he was full of it or actually developed a good method. Actually, I think his method is very good for the type trading we can do on TSP.

In the future Tom, you may want to ask some of us other posters to chime in on someone who is going too far. Sometimes peer pressure will work better than being told something by a board owner.
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FundSurfer wrote:
In the future Tom, you may want to ask some of us other posters to chime in on someone who is going too far. Sometimes peer pressure will work better than being told something by a board owner.
I could do that. It definitely went too far w/ mm. I had at least 3 people say "I'm outta here until he's gone". And at least 2 others that had serious run ins with him. I'll mention Joel (I forget his screen name jgp....? something) who eventually said delete me from the board.

Then he accused me of getting paid by MT to allow MT to post crude remarks. I repeatedly politely asked him to back off and then he posted my PM.That's going too far.
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Hey all,

This is Joel. I'll speak for myself on this. Tom is right. I was so fed up with things as far as being attacked, bilittled, etc. that I said I wanted nothing to do with it as long as some people were still around. I stayed away totally for a while and then "visited" a few days and when I saw the happenings of the last couple of days, I decided to come back. I'm not perfect (no holes in my hands) and I don't always say/type the right stuff, but I feel I'm respectful of the financial opinions and comments. Sometimes the passion in my answers is from a bad experience that I have had financially and it may come across wrong, but is only intended as a warning to help others not make the same mistake. I really appreciate the POSITIVE comments and answers to my quetions and I hope to learn from all of you as I try to offer what I can. Thanks to Tom and everyone for the sight. Lets keep it CLEAN (quit the sexual references, people) and let's help each other. Thanks, and I'm off my soap box. It's good to be back in a SAFE envrioment. Let's keep it that way.

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