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Must be what's wrong with MT, if he "thinks" he's doing, in his mind he is..........
A placebo a day keeps the (heart) doctor away?
I've written before about the "placebo effect." In case
you've never heard the term, it refers to how a purely
symbolic medication (called a placebo) can still be powerful
medicine because of the amazing ability of the mind to heal
the body. Many studies have been conducted that prove not
only the existence of this effect, but its efficacy for medical
Recently, I read about one body of research that catalogs the
power of this phenomenon better than anything else I can
remember coming across. In short, the study found this:
When taken regularly as part of a doctor-recommended
regimen for heart health, a daily placebo works just as well as
risky, expensive drugs. This supports other, smaller studies in
the past, which have concluded almost exactly the same
Conducted by Duke University staffers who analyzed the
results of a 7600 patient clinical trial for a new hypertension
drug, the researchers found that those patients who took their
pills every day — whether medication or placebo — in a
regular and disciplined fashion slashed their risk of death
during the study period by 50% when compared to those who
did not.
Whether this is solely because of the placebo effect or
because folks who take their medications on schedule are
also more likely to pay attention to their doctors' other
recommendations for healthier living could not be
determined. I suspect, though, that it's largely because of the
placebo effect. I'm not the only doctor who thinks so, either.
A recent British Medical Journal report revealed that more
than 60% of Israeli doctors and other health care providers
regularly prescribe placebos to patients...
And that 94% of these patients found them to be at least
somewhat effective!
Why does the placebo effect work? Quite simply, because
when people want to get better, they do. When people believe
they're doing something pro-active that's going to help them
be healthier, they become healthier. In fact, I've long
believed that at least some of the "benefits" of prescription
drugs come from this powerful mind-over-body
phenomenon. Makes you wonder why we bother with the
drugs at all, doesn't it?