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Mike wrote:
Oh well, things have a way of working themselves out. They entered into a "mutual partnership" and as things go, her price dropped because of "insider trading" and his account shrank. Although his "assets" did grow!! Is this contrarian?
Mike wrote:
I already developed that system, it's called "don't take your best friend to dinner with your investment". He might decide he likes the investment also and put in a higher bid!! I was gonna say "bigger" bid, but I know that's not true.......Horse race talk is probably a lot safer than what I just described. :shock:
75% split equally three ways with 25% set aside in alcohol securities... not a bad strategy. It looks like I'll be able to make a major play on the stable ES fund near the end of the month - that breakout in interest got my attention. :^
I think you should come up with a system that backtests for women. I thought I had one a couple years ago, but my own apathy killed it before it got off the ground.
Edit: that risk tolerance is easier to deal with in the stock market. :shock:

Oh well, things have a way of working themselves out. They entered into a "mutual partnership" and as things go, her price dropped because of "insider trading" and his account shrank. Although his "assets" did grow!! Is this contrarian?