mlk_man's account talk

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Have you been getting my e-mails? I know you are busy with your folks, etc. I just want to know if you are recieving them?

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jgpalmerdds wrote:
Have you been getting my e-mails? I know you are busy with your folks, etc. I just want to know if you are recieving them?

Yepper, I sent ya one back this morning. I guess to your home e-mail.
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Hey MM, I'm guessing you are still 100%G?

I believe it may SOON be time to buy into stocks... especially after today's losses.

What do you think?
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MM and I are working on a new "system" using the 5 day average as well as some other indicators. I have backtested it for 1 1/2 years and itlooks promising. I would like to backtest it further into bear markets, and a more prolonged "bull" (longer than last year). The problem is that they only started keeping individual stock prices in June of last year for the TSP, so I have to go and get Willshire 4500 prices and EAFE prices. Do you know of any other mutual funds that track these prices? This new system will be designed to keep us in prolonged uptrends even past the .2-.3 above the moving average. That is the key. Buy before an uptrend, get out if it goes back down, and have a system that keeps you in if it stays up. We want it all, I guess.

Anyway, the system is very close to a "buy". Also, I don't really look at "historicals", but October, 5 out of the last 6 years has had big gains (even in the middle of bear markets). I may just be "in" for October based on history. Others can probably explain this phenomenon better than I. MM has been busy with his folks, and should be in full force tomorrow. I hope this helps.


PS- I like the Cross.


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jgpalmerdds wrote:

MM and I are working on a new "system" using the 5 day average as well as some other indicators. I have backtested it for 1 1/2 years and itlooks promising. I would like to backtest it further into bear markets, and a more prolonged "bull" (longer than last year). The problem is that they only started keeping individual stock prices in June of last year for the TSP, so I have to go and get Willshire 4500 prices and EAFE prices. Do you know of any other mutual funds that track these prices? This new system will be designed to keep us in prolonged uptrends even past the .2-.3 above the moving average. That is the key. Buy before an uptrend, get out if it goes back down, and have a system that keeps you in if it stays up. We want it all, I guess.

Anyway, the system is very close to a "buy". Also, I don't really look at "historicals", but October, 5 out of the last 6 years has had big gains (even in the middle of bear markets). I may just be "in" for October based on history. Others can probably explain this phenomenon better than I. MM has been busy with his folks, and should be in full force tomorrow. I hope this helps.


PS- I like the Cross.

You may want to rethink your system. You were out of the market during a major gain. I would suggest you just follow my lower high, lower low chart. Fairly easy to see when the low goes below the last low is close to a time to buy and sell when the high is getting close to the previous high. Simple, clean and you make money!


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MarketTimer wrote:

You may want to rethink your system. You were out of the market during a major gain. I would suggest you just follow my lower high, lower low chart. Fairly easy to see when the low goes below the last low is close to a time to buy and sell when the high is getting close to the previous high. Simple, clean and you make money!

There he goes again. That was my "old " system MT, please try to keep up! And please stop posting in my account, I'd appreciate it.

Joel, I have us close to a sell not a buy? Let me send you my new data. I've looked at yours and am a little confused by your data.

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mlk_man wrote:
MarketTimer wrote:

You may want to rethink your system. You were out of the market during a major gain. I would suggest you just follow my lower high, lower low chart. Fairly easy to see when the low goes below the last low is close to a time to buy and sell when the high is getting close to the previous high. Simple, clean and you make money!

There he goes again. That was my "old " system MT, please try to keep up! And please stop posting in my account, I'd appreciate it.

Joel, I have us close to a sell not a buy? Let me send you my new data. I've looked at yours and am a little confused by your data.

Buy high, sell low is a great "system".

Can you e-mail it to me also? I love losing money! Close to a about we need to sell NOW!



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Buy high, sell low is a great "system".

Can you e-mail it to me also? I love losing money! Close to a about we need to sell NOW!

For those folks who are welcome here, please ignore the riff-raff, they don't know when they aren't wanted.................Some type of "momma didn't love me enough as a child" syndrom I believe.
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Okay kids, I've completed my "new" system and after back-testing to the first of the year, I would be up 27.32% for the year. However, if you had a Roth account that let you invest in the Profunds 2X and 2X inverse funds, you would be up 112.29% at this point. :^

Because their are some people on this site that I don't care for now, I will not be posting my system. Sorry. I will however be posting "buy" and "sell" signals for both my old system and my new system. Please track my new system and keep your own record for a few months so that you know I'm not full of hot air like someone else I know on this site.

Proof is in the pudding as they say..........Can't wait to get my Roth account going now. :^
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Been watching for a while and I think you have a good thing going. Wish I could get in on your new system. Sounds real good. :^Keep up the good work M_M and don't let anyone run you off.:@


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Hi Mlk,

I have been watching your old system and your allocation changes closely for a few weeks, and think it has a lot going for it. Clearly you've had good results over the past months. I would be very interested in learning at least a little about your new system, even if you are unwilling to go into great detail. I think I speak for others, especiallythoseof uswho are new to this, when I say that any info you would be willing to share would be greatly appreciated.

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neirbod wrote:
Hi Mlk,

I have been watching your old system and your allocation changes closely for a few weeks, and think it has a lot going for it. Clearly you've had good results over the past months. I would be very interested in learning at least a little about your new system, even if you are unwilling to go into great detail. I think I speak for others, especiallythoseof uswho are new to this, when I say that any info you would be willing to share would be greatly appreciated.


Ditto! Keep us posted.


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Bad news on the new system front. My moving averages got all screwed up somehow, so it doesn't look as promising as I had hoped. I'm going to take a break from it for awhile because it's driving me nuts.

I'm currently working on a strategy with my old system that would keep us in longer during bull markets, and out during bear markets. I'm back-testing it now and will let you know the results later on.

Currently 100% G.



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I agree with you, all these numbers are driving me nuts as well. We need something that works in long uptrends, long downtrends, and markets like this year (narrow trading ranges) The problem we are running into is that we have found excellent systems for consolidation-trading ranges like this year , but it doesn't test well against Bull or bear markets. I like the idea of modifying your system of this year, which has down well in this type of market, then we can back test it against prior markets. It is a great idea to see if you can find a way to stay in during long up trends with your current system, I was thinking the same thing. Say, are you looking at 30 day average or 63 to modify?

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I wrote:

I like the idea of modifying your system of this year, which has down well in this type of market, then we can back test it against prior markets.

I meant

I like the idea of modifying your system of this year, which has done well in this type of market, then we can back test it against prior markets.

This makes more sense. Sorry for the confusion.

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I'm going back to 63-day average since all the funds eventually came back up to this range. I'm still going to track the 30-day also because I'm not quite convinced it won't be better in the long run. We'll see.

I sent you an e-mail about my modification. With my old system, you'd be up about 71% right now using the profunds. :^

I'm outta here, later.


PS- Got the modification figured out, just back-testing now.
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Sounds good.

I'll check it out, too. Have a good week-end. I'll be in touch if need be.



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Hey Joel,

get my e-mail? I think I may have figured it out. Seems to work this year anyway. Would be up about 24% for the year. :^ 92% uses Profunds!!! :shock:

Let me know what you think......



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