Market Talk

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Dang, where is that hat......:l I need that hat!!!!

I'd speculate when the S&P reaches 1210 that we should get a turn around...let's see if that happens or not....

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I swear I believe Wilma is going to go throught the Yucatan penisula....and come out on the west side.....of course this is contrary to convientional thinking....;)

Only thing about it is, will it go north afterwards....oilfields here she comes...maybe...:shock:

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That's a map showing where the various forecast models take the storm. All of them have it curving to the NE and accelerating. The upper level winds will force it to do that.

We're probably looking at a brief landfall in the Yucatan or a curve to the north and having it hug the coastline there for awhile before turning to the NE. Either way, it's very bad news for the Mexicans, and eventually bad news for Florida residents as well.
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With this market that
ain't all thats short!
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My humble opinion-

We are in for a wild ride, in part due to:

1. Wilma,

2. option expiration about to come up.

3. Price of oil boomeranging through the economy.everyone will ahve to reevaluate their pricing stucture based on the new oil realities- more for trucking, shipping, air freight, production of oil-based parts, heatingcosts, etc. I see more inflation based on the oil price alone.

Until that reverberates a little and settles, I see down movement.

I see S&P dropping to previous levels of around 1100 on this down cycle, before bottoming and moving back up again.

So i've mvoed everything into Gyesterday and am hanging on tight for the rollercoaster ride.

Just one guys' opinion......

(My coworkers saw me pull everytihng out of C, S, and I yesterday, and when I told them I was moving out, they laughed and said they would put more in. They know my record isn't the greatest at trying to time....)
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The Kingdom of TSP

Daily Edition

Market News, Doodles, Tea Leaves & Yak Date: Oct. 20, Closing

Market News.

Kingdom Talk:. October turns volatile! Storm season hits market!

Horsemen ride again; Earnie and Rats spook Vestors

Elswwhere:..... Krude and gas down.

Doodles and Tea Leaves - Daily.

S&P 500 (Index)
Closed at.............1177.80, dn -17.96
CMF (money flow) at.-0.069, dn
RSI (strength) at......38.5, dn
MACD (trend)....bearish
S-STO (signal)...------
P-SAR (signal)...bearish
ROC (change)....bearish

Light Crude (NYM)
Closed at.........60.02, dn -1.49

Tea Leaves:.................Yellow


Remarks:.......Holding 0/100
S&P Stops:.....Alert: NA, Trail: 1177.
Oil Markers:...<64= ok, 64-69= worry, >69= panic.
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OUCH, OUCH, OUCH!!! The only positive thing today was the 1170's held again!!!! Starting to get cluttered below the trend line after today.... That makes four closes below it.My short term play on the I Fund was ugly. Crazy week with option expirations going on. The Tech's I follow still havecash signals in place!!! I guess I should have been listening, but that I Fund looked so tempting. I still think this correction is almost over.:cool:

Some comments from a Tech:

Closing Comment
Gee whiz! Two fun days in a row! I guess we know now that option expiration is responsible for all this merriment.

I would assume that most of this activity is out of the way and that tomorrow will be a little more stable. Fortunately, while the VST indicators are all over the place with this volatily, it tends to be smoothed out in the daily figures and not much has changed since the beginning of the week.
At the end of the day prices were beginning to get back into some sort of equilibrium, but with the hourly MSO still overbought, the A/D oversold,the RSI somewhere in the middle, and all that against a daily oversold MSO.
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The TSP quarterly participant statements are now available online for your viewing!!!!:shock:
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mlk_man wrote:
Show-me wrote:
mlk_man wrote:
Any chance we'll get one of those "outta no where" corrections in the I fund and it'll end up .5% today? :?
Damn close! Big .2% drop in the I fund today. Must have been a "fair valuation" day. Merry Christmas! I'm looking at possibley testing the waters of the I fund. Look out here I come!!! :dah:
Whew, good thing I'm jumping ship today!!! :P
Holy crapping batman! I fund down 1.2%. Did I figure that right? And that means I bought in lower than I thought. Yippy!!!:^
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Show-me wrote:
I fund down 1.2%.  Did I figure that right?  And that means I bought in lower than I thought. 

Yeah, 1.2% down is right. MSCI was up .45% today.
I sold 35%I today. I would be :( but I think it will close lower tomorrow.
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It looks like the "I" fund did'nt take as bad a hit as I thought it would today. Did the dollar help cushion the blow?
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learning wrote:
Wilma! May have me running for the G Fund. Ohh No. They are talking this one up big. They say it is a record maker. If it hits the oil.....

Hey Technician, where do you post your moves? I heard you are doing good.

I was....didn't make a move all summer....then when I did....POWIE!!! Knock the wind right out of the sails for the year....

Gonna stay tight though and get thatback with the dollar drop.....

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Spaf wrote:
[Credit for credit due: Thanks sarah :)]

This is a link to a fairly good article about where TSP and participants stand as of lately.

Rgds ;) Spaf
Imagine that less than 20% have money in C S and I funds! They sure were the smart money in 2005 YTD. Well for that matter over the last 5 years it was smart to be out of C fund in any case. Goes to show plotting S&P day to day gyration seem to have made diddly difference in beingwhere the action was.
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I got a lot of flack for spending so much time in the G fund this year and ironically, theG fund now has thehighest return for the year. Looks like Ishould have been more conservative. :?

That said. I wouldn't want to spendmuch time in that fund for the duration of the year.