imported post
My humble opinion-
We are in for a wild ride, in part due to:
1. Wilma,
2. option expiration about to come up.
3. Price of oil boomeranging through the economy.everyone will ahve to reevaluate their pricing stucture based on the new oil realities- more for trucking, shipping, air freight, production of oil-based parts, heatingcosts, etc. I see more inflation based on the oil price alone.
Until that reverberates a little and settles, I see down movement.
I see S&P dropping to previous levels of around 1100 on this down cycle, before bottoming and moving back up again.
So i've mvoed everything into Gyesterday and am hanging on tight for the rollercoaster ride.
Just one guys' opinion......
(My coworkers saw me pull everytihng out of C, S, and I yesterday, and when I told them I was moving out, they laughed and said they would put more in. They know my record isn't the greatest at trying to time....)