Market Talk

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Try P/E of 21.3.

:shock: Snort.
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We should capture one of OBLs top guys here any minute, or they will roll Snow out to tell China to depeg more or the talk of private accounts or some other B.S. to stop the bleeding.

Like that movie with Dustin Hoffman where they made the war up.

Sad. :D But so true.

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Birchtree wrote:
C'mon back Dogdaddy we need some special guidance today. What say you?
Buy the dip? Average down?

I am shorting like a banshee on fire.

Home Depot :shock:Revlon :shock: MMM :shock:Chiquitta Brands :shock:

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DMA wrote:
:shock: Snort.
A favor please? This may be too much to ask but what the heck, I'll give it a try >
It's breakfast time here (EST), could you remember this the next time you choose your graphics?
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DMA wrote:
I am shorting like a banshee on fire.

Home Depot :shock:Revlon :shock: MMM :shock:Chiquitta Brands :shock:

Dma, your shorting means? : that you continue 80F and 20 G as of last account post on6/23 ???

...I ask because a lot of tsptalk readers don't have outside accounts.: : : : : :


Going 80 F and 20 G before the deadline June 23.
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Birchtree wrote:

If you are going to hold onto all that G money - why not lend some of it out to those of us who could really appreciate the loan to get even deeper into the Bull market.


Ouch! I hear ya Dennis! Man I wish I had held my 2005 opening position! I was 40/40/20 CSI! Not to mention it was all dollar cost averaged! Just stuck a toe in yesterday because, well... because! Like a lot of other folks justI'm waiting to make a plunge back into the pool with ya! My fear is if I throw it all in now we'll get that gargantuan drop Tom is expecting the next day! I admire you brother! Wish I had stuck it out too!

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Wonder Woman wrote:
DMA wrote:
:shock: Snort.
A favor please? This may be too much to ask but what the heck, I'll give it a try >
It's breakfast time here (EST), could you remember this the next time you choose your graphics?

This has got to be a picture of Birchtree this morning......!!! Got a quezzy stomach Birch???? HMM HMMM????:h

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falling dollar is taking some of the sting out of the I's dip today. really surprised how hard the c is being hit's falling about as much as the S...yikes

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Tomorrow's payroll report is looming rather large. Better hope for no surprises. :shock:

I know what my problem has been - I've been distracted over the past 6 weeks. *Sigh* women. :l

I might have to follow through with that doomsday plan afterall and put my investments on autopilot. If things continue to develop as they have over the past week or so, I might not have much choice in the matter. I'll be too occupied to think much about the market. :shock::^
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teknobucks wrote:
today may be the st low the way things are friday turns up green afterall.
From your lips to the markets ears I hope tekno!!

I'll most likely get a sell signal tonight so I hope to exit on a high note.
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The Technician,

My problem is that I am drowning in oil and energy stocks - and they are saving my skinny today - if this lasts for a couple of days it may be time to sector rotate and ring the cash register - so many other good things have or are going to be cheaper. I certainly do like to shop especially at bargain prices. The C fund may experience a faster recovery going forward on the up side. See you at lower prices.

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Birchtree wrote:
The Technician,
My problem is that I am drowning in oil and energy stocks - and they are saving my skinny today - if this lasts for a couple of days it may be time to sector rotate and ring the cash register - so many other good things have or are going to be cheaper. I certainly do like to shop especially at bargain prices. The C fund may experience a faster recovery going forward on the up side. See you at lower prices. Dennis
So Birch you get to strut your stuff no matter what side comes out on top?
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The Kingdom of TSP


Market News, Doodles, Tea Leaves & Yak Date August 4, 2005 Closing

Market News.

News: Market brakes for lube! Stox slow down as Krude spooks vestors with political worries.

Doodles and Tea Leaves.

S&P 500 (Index) at 1235.86, dn -9.18
CMF (money flow) at 0.227, dn
RSI (strength) at 57.0, dn
MACD (trend) at 9.9.03, dn; at crossover
Slow STO (signal) at 83.99K, 80.53D; bullish
ROC (change) at 0.53, dn

Light Crude (NYM)
at 61.38, up -0.52

Tea Leaves: Green.



Holding: 50/50
S&P stops: Alert: 1233, Trailing: 1221.
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The Technician wrote:
Wonder Woman wrote:
DMA wrote:
:shock: Snort.
A favor please? This may be too much to ask but what the heck, I'll give it a try >
It's breakfast time here (EST), could you remember this the next time you choose your graphics?

This has got to be a picture of Birchtree this morning......!!! Got a quezzy stomach Birch???? HMM HMMM????:h


That is what people are doing in the market. Getting gluttary (spelling) - greedy - over feeding.

Come on lighten up - its Marty Python.

And who called it for you?????????????????????

Made over 190K today on my shorts. :^

If you do not take profits - you end up with no profits.
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However for you WW - I will pick better graphics.

:D Because I love you so much. :shock:

Just kidding, maybe. Ha ha. :)
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Woder Woman,

The polite term is micturition or the urgency to micturate. When I was younger I had the ability to micturate my initials in the snow. That took lots of practice and lots of Old German. Today was actually a good day - The Technician and others have by slight of word pushed many Chicken Littles to the shelter. We won't need as much fuel now to lift the rocket. I am so ready for sp500 of 1300.