LTJPFED's Account Talk

1st move in November, moving 100% S COB. Like the fact S has had some pull backs and if we do end up moving higher I think we can get back up to the top of the range and make a little $$. Not sure if we tagged that lower BB this morning but sure felt like it. Hope we close a bit lower of course to grab as much of the pull back as we can but I'll settle for anything in the red today. Here is hoping for the green seasonal stretch the rest of this week and into next. Not sure what is going to happen in December but let's take it 1 day at a time.

Have a great Thanksgiving season everyone!
I feel like I'm just lighting my money on fire this week.....I really hope we bounce over the next day or two

Not lighting it on fire.. you are giving it to someone. Who knows who that person is, but it's going to someone!
Well took a loss on that one but did manage to get some back over the last couple days. Live to fight another day.

I am making a move today: 70% G 15% C 15% S

Still have 1 move so I'll keep that in my pocket for that seasonal move perhaps next week sometime.
Missed the move the other day when the market dropped, on a dang call....Anyway moving 100% S today. Hope we continue up through end of year and not get that drop like we did during Thanksgiving.

Happy Holidays everyone!
Would have sold yesterday but was sick in bed. Feeling a little better today, fever finally broke. Short stay with last move, really was hoping S would have just taken off a bit more, chose wrong fund, C has been the place to be this year so if I were to do anything other than moving to G I would consider a portion into C. Between my timing and choosing the wrong fund I did not fair well this month. This month was not good personally for me either. Won't bring up things here, this is a TSP forum. Oh well looking forward to 2022. 100%G end of day
Would have sold yesterday but was sick in bed. Feeling a little better today, fever finally broke. Short stay with last move, really was hoping S would have just taken off a bit more, chose wrong fund, C has been the place to be this year so if I were to do anything other than moving to G I would consider a portion into C. Between my timing and choosing the wrong fund I did not fair well this month. This month was not good personally for me either. Won't bring up things here, this is a TSP forum. Oh well looking forward to 2022. 100%G end of day

Sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well. It's OK to talk about personal things in your own thread. The one thing, other than obvious stuff, that I shy away from is politics because it just causing too much division between members. Otherwise, this is the place to talk about things.
Well, I can tell you're suffering physically, so my wish is that you have a speedy recovery and 2022 is the best year for you yet.
Hello LTJPFED, I also hope you have a full recovery and good health, happiness and prosperity in the New Year. May God bless you! :smile:
New Allocations COB 60G 20C 20S
I have been waiting to move so far this year but only a couple days looked like good opportunities to me. Interesting I picked today as my 1st move and I could be totally wrong, main reason I didn't move 100% into market, but I feel like we could see that "relief" rally over the next few days or week. So if I'm wrong I still have some in G to be put to work or make the 100% move back to G, but if I'm right on a slight bounce over the next few days maybe I can earn a little more than sitting idle in the G fund. Something is better than nothing.
Best wishes all
Note to self here today~

Decided to stay in since just made my first move of the year the other day. Still want to be nimble and pay attention but didn't want to be hasty. Instead of jumping to G my thought is if we continue to run down this week and maybe even into next week, I may just nibble my way by adding even more to C and/or S. Lots things going on so didn't want to be jumping the gun. So, while I did consider bailing to G, I decided to stay with allocation and see what the next few days hold. Even harder because I am going out of town for a few days and didn't want to be so focused on things. Now I will need to be even more alert to the markets in the mornings. Markets down about 1.5/1.6% in our C/S funds at the time of this post.

Forgot to mention- I did not add to my allocation today, again just sitting tight with current 20/20 in C/S.
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Low threshold for losses this month, with my first move of the year at the end of Feb I moved very little into C/S hoping for some gains going into this period of March, I was wrong. So I'm moving back to G today. Going to follow my gut and step aside now. I'll take the smaller loss as opposed to a potential of a larger loss and hope to catch a better entry later this month or next month. This is my 1st move of March. 100 G COB
Moving 100F today. :eek: I know, crazy, but I think we are at the bottom of this down channel. So I'm hoping we get a bounce. I know this is not the environment to be in F but like I said I'm hoping for a bounce over the next few days and maybe we get a pull back in C/S going into the end of the month so I could move back in there. I have a preset loss in mind so going into this with the idea we will get a small bounce and worth more than sitting in G but not as risky as trying to catch this ride up in C/S. If we continue to roll down then I will jump ship back to G if I hit my loss.
Personally, I have been anti-F Fund since the Fed announced raising interest rates. When interest rates are rising, although slowly, it is generally safer to have money in the G Fund than the F Fund. Sure, the G Fund is barely producing positive returns, but at least it is not negative.
I hear ya, I feel like I just closed my eyes and threw a dart lol. That's kinda what I used to do when I gambled. We'll see. I can always move back to G for that safety and just catch my breath before looking the other funds again. Maybe my patience is getting the best of me so far this year, I don't know. I'll try to keep my sanity. :)
Humbly stating I have no idea what is going on. Props to you all who post your charts and insights because people like me try to gather as much information to be as informed as possible. But bottom line is I truly can't understand why the markets move the way they do. I moved to G today. I'll have both moves ready for April and I'm hoping to do better than I did in March.

But I truly cannot understand the bullish move we have gone through. With all the negative information out there, war, inflation, even recession talk, COVID, fed, political, etc. It just doesn't make sense to me. I know the same can be said of the entire last couple years with COVID so nothing makes sense anymore, not that they did previously. Forgive me for my lack of knowledge and my vent but just boggles my mind. I think, probably am wrong, we have came all the way back from the losses that were dished out since the start of the war. Crazy times and crazy markets. Here is to hoping that the rest of the year makes more sense, but I doubt it will. I will just try my best to be wiser with my moves.

Again back to G today.
What I am quickly learning is don't try and predict what may or may not happen, just react using good risk management. Currently in C fund, with a line in the sand if the market rolls over.